So I ordered from Bluebird’s sale last night. sigh. I can’t help it. And Bluebird deserves my money anyway. The sale is a good way to stock up on teas that might be disappearing for good. I think many of the Bluebird teas they once had in stock don’t come back again. Luckily, Bluebird does keep PLENTY of my favorites around. I haven’t written a note for this one yet. I wish the name didn’t mislead to what this tea actually is. I want a sugar plum tea! Though the berries might LOOK like tiny plums, I don’t detect anything resembling plums here. And this cup ain’t sweet either. It’s very tart! Usually the tea magicians at Bluebird are experts at taming their hibiscus and using just the perfect amount. But the hibiscus here is a little much. (Maybe my scoop portioning had too much hibiscus?) My brewing could probably use some tweaking but otherwise, this just seems like a very hibiscus tea.
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons // couple minutes after boiling // 4+ minute steep