The last of my new Teavivre samples to try! Once again, thank you so much Teavivre! The dry leaves look like the flat and long Dragonwell leaves, of course. Another strong scented leaf. I don’t think Teavivre could package their teas better. They leave the samples nice and pillowy so the tea doesn’t get crushed. I don’t think the air would affect the teas too much if you will be sampling them soon anyway. And then when you order, you get a handy reusable pouch around other packaging the teas are in. So nice.
Steep #1 // 37 minutes after boiling // 2 min
Another three tablespoon of leaves suggestion from Teavivre, but I’d rather go with two and a half teaspoons (half a sample) to avoid the astringency. I accidentally waited too long for the water to cool, but I was going for a half hour anyway. As to be expected, the flavor is light. But it is such a nice flavor. Sweet, creamy, fresh, nutty, buttery, a little fruity and that creamed/ breaded corn again. I guess all green teas taste like that. I thought it was just mao feng. I’m not sure if I could tell how much of a difference there is between this one and the She Qian.
Steep #2 // 30 min after boiling // 2 1/2 min steep
Of course the flavor is stronger again, but not at all astringent. So so good. There is a little bit of a mouth drying affect with this cup for some reason though. All of the green teas I’ve tried from Teavivre recently are similar yet have different characteristics. I’ve loved most everything I’ve tried from Teavivre so far, so it is so difficult when deciding what to order.