drank Peanut Butter Cup by DAVIDsTEA
47 tasting notes

I was so excited when they first announced this as a new tea. I know many people felt peanut butter would not make a good tea flavour, but I was totally sold right away. I only worried that it would not translate well into a tea. But there was nothing to worry about! This is an awesome tea. One of my new favourites, in the top 10. An excellent dessert tea prepared as a latte. For me, the peanut butter flavour comes through prominently, so I am kind of surprised to read that others do not feel the same. I will definitely be stocking up heavily on this one. Another great tea from David’s Tea.

And for people who feel the tea does not have enough chocolate in it, you could always try adding a bit of the Dark Chocolate Delight to the mix. That should kick the chocolate up a notch.

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