A while back I got a message from Tea Ave, offering samples of their new oolong. I’m SO glad I signed up, because look what just came in the mail:
Not to mention a gift card and 3 sample pouches. Tres deluxe!
So this one first: as someone who likes jasmine but is more than a little sensitive to florals, I appreciate this light approach to the flavor. I definitely taste it, but it’s a side note to the oolong. The instructions said boiling water for 1 minute; I was a bit leary, but did it anyway, and I DO think boiling water is right for this. It didn’t taste at all scorched or astringent, and I think these leaves need the extra heat to bring out the flavor. As is not uncommon for jasmine tea, the flavor got a bit stronger and more balanced when the tea cooled slightly (something that wide-mouthed cup helped with immensely).
Anyway, so excited about this new company! Their official launch isn’t till March and it looks like their website (teaave.com) is still under wraps, but I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for them. Thank you, Tea Ave!
Hi Tamarindel, it’s been a while, thank you so much for sampling our oolongs. It will be awesome if you would to stop by our site sometimes when you get a chance to rate the teas you’ve tried! Cheers :)