I like the NAM, but every now and then the licorice just gets over-powering and sticks to the back of my throat and I get turned off of it for a while.
I like the NAM, but every now and then the licorice just gets over-powering and sticks to the back of my throat and I get turned off of it for a while.
Happiness Is:
green tea
black tea
lots and lots of oolong!
vanilla things
Not Really My Style:
spices (except for ginger. ginger rocks)
chai (because, you know, the spices)
rooibos (I don’t get it. Everyone seems psyched for it. Not me).
those smoky teas, like lapsang souchong, though once in a while I’ll need something really strong and then I like them.
I like the NAM, but every now and then the licorice just gets over-powering and sticks to the back of my throat and I get turned off of it for a while.
I know what you mean, licorice isn’t a favorite flavor of mine either, and the NAM isn’t a tea I can drink every day (TOO relaxing, for one thing). But I like to keep some around. I’m convinced the spice blend has some sort of detox effect.