So happy to receive my first order from Upton today! I got a lot of samples to try, but decided to start out with this one. It’s been frequently recommended on Steepster for those who prefer to keep their bergamot mild, and I am firmly in that category. However, I found EVERYTHING in this cup to be mild – the base tea, the bergamot, even the vanilla that many said was such a strong flavor in this blend. I have to echo Sil and TeaEqualsBliss and say that it tastes more than anything like a mild lemon creme.
That said, I am not convinced I prepared the tea correctly. The recommended measurement was in grams (2.25 grams, precisely) and as I don’t have a scale sensitive enough to weigh that and am still fairly new to loose leaf, I just took a guess and used 1.5 tsp. I will experiment with it some more and if anyone has brewing recommendations, I am all ears.
Flavors: Cream, Lemon Zest