480 Tasting Notes
I put this in my tea tumbler yesterday, and enjoyed the first two steeps on the clock there (nearing the end of the second steep, the manager for that day wandered by and cheerily noted that it wasn’t a PC Waterbottle [the only kind of drink cashiers are ACTUALLY allowed to have on-shift]; I awkward-laughed, but he is fairly laid-back and doesn’t exactly care that much, and even spent about half an hour with me after my shift had ended, just standing around the discount DVDs bin helping me find interesting movies and ignoring his phone).
The first two were fairly similar, and nothing from the norm (I’m having trouble remembering them now, though). However, I forgot to remove the leaves from the filter yesterday, so I just resteeped them a third time today. The colour is a bit lighter. I had a large bowl of milkless cereal (I poured myself cereal only to look into the fridge and realize we were out of milk), so that may have affected my tastebuds because I cannot taste anything. Maybe it’s just still too hot. The smell of the tea is much weaker too. Hrm.
I only have four bags of this left (five if I resteep the one I’m using now). It’s a nice tea. The black base is a bit meh, very mild, but the mildness helps the vanilla come through a bit more, because it’s not that strong either. Just the strongest I’ve tasted, in terms of vanilla flavoured blacks so far.
High Tea Soul Calibur.
I went grocery shopping with my mother in order to get out of the house. It consisted mostly of her and her friends poking fun at my swollen face. Hah hah.
But I came across Soul Calibur IV for fifteen bucks, so we picked that up too as well as a giant box of assorted cookies, miniature buns and ham, etcetera etcetera. Thus when I got home, I brewed up a large pot of Earl Grey, and made a giant platter of tea biscuits and mini sandwiches.
Sadly I didn’t think it through as much as I probably should, seeing as I’m not technically supposed to be eating full on chewable solids yet. I can’t open my jaw wide enough, it hurts, and worst of all, my face is still too swollen, so everything gets stuck. Yes. Ew. You’re supposed to be able to clean it out, but you can’t if everything’s still swollen OVER. Yummy.
But it was delicious, and I played lots and lots of Soul Calibur and drank lots and lots of tea and ate lots and lots of little sandwiches and many cookies softened by the afore mentioned delicious earl grey tea.
Also, fighting Yoda sucks because half of the attacks fly right over his short little head.
This tea is still my favourite earl grey, and I am, regretfully, running low on it. And I was at Winners a while ago and saw another tin of it that had been reduced to three dollars (because someone had opened the tin itself, although not the bag inside the tin that contained the actual tea). But I told myself not to because I hadn’t finished this one.
Had this the day I picked up the box, but didn’t bother to write a tasting note.
Sitting down with a cup now, but please be advised that the stitches in my mouth haven’t completely clotted over yet, so everything is tinted with a bit of a coppery blood taste. Delicious. It’s my own damn fault though, the surgeon said no talking, but I thought they were fine and clotted now so I chatted away with my sister (though I clenched jaw, at least), and now they’re bleeding again, it seems. Smart.
It smells deliciously of hot chocolate, with the chocolate vanilla and cinnamon. I get no tea smell, but then, I’m not sure what puerh should smell like. This’ my first, and I suppose not the best choice if I want to really explore the taste of puerh. But I was in the Organics store (the only store in my location that carries any Numi products at all besides Chapters, but that only carries their blooming teas) and saw it, and spent five minutes deciding between this, Emperor’s Puerh and Mint Puerh. Emperor’s seemed like a good choice—unflavoured—but I ultimately decided to spend ten whole dollars on this one.
The taste is dusty-earthy, with a light cocoa taste and texture overlapping it, and then a pleasant aftertaste of hot chocolate (chocolate, vanilla and cinnamon—does this actually contain cinnamon? It tastes/smells like it; possibly nutmeg too, hmm—all the proper Hot Cocoa spices). Mm nice. The earthyness is different, but I’m definitely looking forward to experimenting with more puerhs in the future.
I am not allowed dairy products until tomorrow, but it was too late in the evening for caffeine. I was limited to my small collection of caffeine-free tisanes, but I didn’t want anything fruity. I wanted something heavier, like tea. But the chai rooibos just wasn’t that heavy. So I decided to experiment. I made it with hazelnut-flavoured coffee whitener (not mine, but my mother’s), with honey and vanilla extract mixed in. I don’t know, I felt like something heavy, spicy but sweet. …I want spice cake. Hrm.
Coffee whitener is quite odd, but I liked the hazelnut taste, so overall it turned out all right. Warm. Plus, it rids my mouth of the, uh, copper taste. Stupid wisdom teeth.
Made two mugs of this for me and my mother, except that I couldn’t even take a sip of mine. I was reduced mostly to a small amount of gingerale at a time with a drool-cloth held below my chin. So my tea went completely cold. I microwaved it (I hate microwaving tea, it gives it a funny taste), and have been sipping it now. Slowly. Just because I’ve got a little more feeling back and it’s easier to handle now.
See, I just got all four wisdom teeth out. I’ve got a mug of tea and a mug of chicken noodle soup. The soup is still very hot (although I can’t tell when I drink it due to numbness) so I’m letting it sit until it seems cool enough to drink. Until then, mmm Paris tea. It still tastes delicious even through the numbness and the taste of blood and gauze. Isn’t that a pleasant image? I think it is.
My tin of bags is almost out too, aaaah. I need to pop over to Chapters and pick up another tin. If they aren’t sold out. They sell out quickly. If only Chapters sold loose-leaf tea to go with all their loose-leaf tea accessories, but no. They sell loose-leaf tea accessories, and only bagged teas.
I remember having all mine out at the same time, and all but one of them were impacted. Ugh. I looked like a chipmunk for days with all the swelling. Terrific fun. I sympathize.
All four of mine were impacted. Last I checked I didn’t look like a chipmunk, but my face is quite narrow, so I suppose it takes a lot before it looks “puffy”.
Eerf, the T3 they gave me isn’t doing much, though. I think it’s time for tea and very soft easy-to-swallow-like-jello scrambled eggs for breakfast.
Best to take the T3 and then try to sleep. Since you’re not eating solid food, the T3 can make you woozy and dizzy. I remember it doing that to me.
I realized that I hadn’t put away the used jasmine green leaves (A&D) from yesterday. They’d dried perfectly (no spinagyness), so I threw the teaball into fresh hot water with a bag of this as well in a double-sized mug. The jasmine was STILL pretty strong smelling for the second steep, so I ended up taking it out at three minutes and leaving the Ceylon in for an additional two.
The result reminds me a bit of Murchie’s Library Blend. I think I’m just a sucker for black-green blends. The initial sip is green and jasmine, the black coming in when you swallow and breath out. The jasmine is lending more of a floral sweetness instead of completely taking over the tea.