drank Vanilla Cloud matcha by Domo
480 tasting notes

It’s been a while. I picked up a new bag of this from the grocery store on-campus (it’s surprisingly well-stocked).

Sinc ethen they’ve changed the name, and the design on the front. And I realized recently that they no longer carry their chocolate matcha nor their ginger matcha at all (I hadn’t seen them in a while, but I just assumed the vanilla was a better seller); sucks because I wanted to try those.

Still delicious. Never needed to be sifted, it was always clump-free on its own, somehow. And only three ingredients.

Kind of wish I’d picked up the tin back when I had the chance. Would have been great to re-use for this once they switched to bagged. I think this is my third or fourth time picking this up.

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Disclaimer: I work for Murchie’s Tea and Coffee as a taster and blender. I will avoid putting any ratings on teas from them from here on out.

A tea-drinking transgendered Canadian, university graduate, majored in geology (yes, “rocks and things”). I take most of my tea at home by gaiwan, and at work by mug.

My notes are pretty disjointed because I’m absent-minded, and I also keep a teatra.de blog for reviewing and rambling about tea books/publications, and an instagram for photos. Expect nerding about tea production and history on both.

I’m a Doctor Who fanatic (Jon Pertwee, if you were wondering).

“But you should never turn down tea, when it’s offered. It’s impolite, and impoliteness is how wars start.” ~Eighth Doctor, Paul McGann






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