Working through my W2T samples. :) So, the Poundcake I had yesterday was lots of big loose leaves, whereas this one is mostly just a single tightly-packed chunk, so I got a chance to use my puer pick again, yay! 5g in my 100ml gaiwan, started with a quick rinse, then 10, 15, 20, 25… etc (roughly – I’m never very exact with the timing). I boiled the water to begin with, and then just kept using it without reheating, so each steep was about 5 degrees cooler, until I got down to 80 deg or so, then heated to 90 deg after that… which actually worked pretty well.
Anyway. This tea is pretty good, but… not super interesting? I don’t know, I think I tend toward teas that are really aromatic or flavourful, and this isn’t either of those things. It is pretty nice, and I can see how it would be recommended as a good starter sheng. My favourite thing so far is how, after like 5 infusions, every time I clear my throat I get this really intense sweetness in the back of my throat. What is that? It has happened with other W2T shengs as well. Anyway, good tea but it’s not changing my life or anything. ;)
Sounds similar to my experience with it. Good for the $$.