drank Maracuja Mango by DAVIDsTEA
814 tasting notes

Did you know the screentime app on your apple devices can be set up to lock you out of apps during specific times of the day? The default setting is to have you phone kick you out at 10p and allow you back at 7a, for instance.
I have a lot of tea to drink.
Today for breakfast I drank mango! Yummmm

Super Starling!

Do you like the screentime app doing this? What’s your experience with it? I’m trying to get a feel for your experience.


It’s been helpful! I mean, it’s only been a week really, but I’m sure my viewing of trash tv has been reduced haha. There is the option to “ignore” the screen tile restriction. You can choose to ignore it for the rest of the day, or for 15 min and then get a reminder. Even if I do select the 15 min option, it does help make me more aware of the decision I’m making.

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Super Starling!

Do you like the screentime app doing this? What’s your experience with it? I’m trying to get a feel for your experience.


It’s been helpful! I mean, it’s only been a week really, but I’m sure my viewing of trash tv has been reduced haha. There is the option to “ignore” the screen tile restriction. You can choose to ignore it for the rest of the day, or for 15 min and then get a reminder. Even if I do select the 15 min option, it does help make me more aware of the decision I’m making.

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