this was my late night reading tea last night!
(i also read a great dark story with BAMF Phil Coulson in it. i will confirm that these two things together were extra awesome.)
i opened the sealed tea pouch and was apprehensive about the hibiscus. but i’m trying to not give hibiscus such a bad rep in my head and be more open-minded about it. (the employees of the awesome local tea shop declare that they ‘love’ hibiscus. and i trust them so much that i figure maybe it’s like sour beer. maybe it’s a flavor you adapt into?)
so yes, it was fruity and sweet but not painfully tart. and i thought i rinsed my mug well, but maybe the scent from the chai i had earlier was till attached to the pores of the surface, because i got a touch of cinnamon notes in the cup. which i THINK may be a nice trick to enjoying hibiscus! it definitely added to the experience.
thank you Shelley_Lorraine for this evening treat!

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