16384 Tasting Notes


I purchased this from the fantastic Shadowfall and was very excited to try it, especially after starting to watch Doctor Who this last week. However, I didn’t actually make this cup for myself. Instead, it was made for my brother Liam. He’s a huge Whovian as of late, but greatly despises tea. This one or Weeping Angel were the only ones he would even try…

I picked this one because it’s Earl Grey and most non tea drinkers seem to enjoy Earl Grey, so I figured it was a safe guess. I steeped 1 1/2 tsp. of leaf in boiling water and handed him the cup with the tea ball still in it. I told him to take it out after three or four minutes, but an hour later the cup was sitting on the table untouched with the tea ball still in it.

I didn’t want the tea to go to waste, so I took the teaball out and begrudgingly drank it – though like expected in was incredibly bitter and I really didn’t taste anything but bitterness, astringency, and a little bergamot. So, on that note I’m holding off rating this until sometime I can sit down and properly drink it myself (maybe while watching Doctor Who). Thankfully I purchased enough to still have several cups worth.

It was an interesting first experience with Adagio, though…

8 min or more

haha this was actually the only tea I could convince a friend to even try. He is a huge Whovian as well and when I said their was Doctor Who teas he started groaning about how everyone is trying to cash in on the fandom. Meanwhile when I offered tea, he originally wanted Tetley’s Orange Pekoe (the “normal” tea) only to decide that instead he would give this one a try. His response was “it is different but nice” and then the next day he went to DAVIDs to buy new teas to try. So what this is all leading up to is apparently to get those who don’t drink tea, or only drink “normal” tea to try something new, apparently it is best to appeal to their fangirl side. haha.


*THERE was Doctor Who teas…wow perhaps all these errors are a sign that I should go to bed.

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Yay! My family is here and we’re celebrating Christmas! Although, the “not yay” part is that my mom is being really bitter about her recent break up with ‘he who shall not be named’ – and I literally mean he shall not be named, I’ve been forbidden from even saying his name. Anyway, lots of yummy baking and such.

As part of our Christmas traditions, we all opened a present early on “Christmas Eve”. For me, that meant I got 50g of DAVIDsTEA’s Jessie’s Tea and 50g of DAVIDsTEA’s Guava Cadabra! I was only expecting to get one kind of tea, so I’m definitely a happy camper!

Also, my brother leaked to me that my Dad (who I wont see until January) picked up the DAVIDsTEA Christmas sampler pack for me, which I SPECIFICALLY said not to do because I already own more than half of the teas in it (in large quantity – 100g of Gingerbread and 190g of Choconut Oolong because Tre bought me 50g of that for Christmas too – and I already had 140g of it), and the third is one I don’t enjoy at all. I’m actually kind of pissed off about it, honestly, because the last time I saw him in person was the day before the Christmas teas came out and I made a BIG deal of telling him I was going to be buying them to try for myself, and the last time we talked on the phone he asked what I wanted for Christmas and I mentioned that if he was even thinking of getting me tea I had already sent a list of blends I wanted but did not have to my mom and he could check with her. Otherwise, I DID NOT want him to pick something out because it was too risky because I have so many DAVIDsTEA blends and he has no idea of knowing what I do and don’t have. He didn’t listen at all.

So, I’m basically begging my brother to convince him to return it. Maybe it makes me an awful person, but I don’t think I can even fake being happy about receiving it. I told him to tell Dad whatever he needed to in order to make that gift go away, be it that someone else already gave the exact same thing to me (he could say that was the present Tre bought me – he’d never know any better) or that he saw my collection and I own everything already (not a total lie). I was very specific about receiving tea this year, so whatever it takes…

Anyway, on to this one…

I recieved this as a sample from Red Leaf Tea and wasn’t really planning on trying it currently because my mom was supposed to be bringing actual eggnog (but she forgot). However, my mom wanted a Christmas tea to drink and since there was no eggnog in the house I listed this as one of the options (I did not list Butiki’s Creamy Eggnog though because I do not have a lot and I didn’t really feel like sharing it…) and it was the one she picked.

For preparation, I used 1/2 tsp. of matcha in 12 oz. of cold milk, which I then split for the two of us. Honestly, I did a REALLY horrible job of mixing it and it looked quite gross. I could have probably done a better job but my sister was rushing me because she wanted to open her present.

My mom, although surprised it was a cold drink, really enjoyed it though and said it tasted very much like actual eggnog. I have to agree – despite being poorly blended it was very rich and creamy tasting and nice and smooth going down (despite lumps of unblended matcha). I can’t imagine this would be good hot, and I think it might be weird cold shaken in straight water so I’ll likely be finishing the rest of my sample in cold milk.

I’m quite pleased with my latest matcha experiences. The first ones I tried where just awful (cold shaken black cherry and unflavoured matchaccino mixed into milk), but this one and orange matcha cold shaken and as tea soda were a definite improvement. Enough so to keep me from flat out righting off matcha altogether!


I definitely have liked most of the matchas I tried best when mixed in a cold glass of milk. Granted most of the ones I have tasted so far have been creamy/dessert type flavors so that probably makes sense.

Also Merry Christmas (well at least your Christmas)!! It is nice you get to spend it with your family. I lucked out and actually got to go see my siblings for Hannukah so I know how nice it is to get to see your family around the holidays, especially when you are in a city when you know so few people. Plus, I got to have an early birthday celebration for my brother (who is actually born on Christmas) since I will be with my mother in Florida and won’t be seeing him then.

Lastly, I hope your brother is able to convince your Dad to return the gift. I am sure he would want to get you something you actually want so perhaps your brother could drop the hint that he recalled you saying something about not wanting that gift set when he talked to you about the holidays or something like that. Your present from your mom sounds nice though (although I am bias because I love Jessie’s Tea)


*WHERE you know so few people

Roswell Strange

My Mom’s birthday is Christmas Eve, and so is one of my Aunt’s – they’re not twins however (11 years age difference). That’s awesome you got to spend Hannukah with your family! I don’t usually miss mine too much (not very close to any of them, though this is the family I’m closer to and have missed the most), but I know some people are the opposite way (like my friend Robyn who goes down to seem her family for several days at least once a month).

He’s going to try to convince my Dad to bring it back, though my Dad is a very stubborn person and (like noted) he doesn’t listen well to others. I have a very oddly cold relationship with my father, though. Oddly in that I can’t stand him, though he ‘tries very hard’ to connect with me. A huge part of it is that he’s very blatantly homophobic (and I am not straight) and racist towards, specifically, Aboriginal people – and quite religiously intolerant (very right wing, fundamentalist, Evangelical Christian). In regard to the ‘right wing’ point, I am very much so liberally minded with a few socialist beliefs. So, those are a lot of HUGE points upon which we disagree about which can cause some turmoil. Plus there’s the fact that he really seems to know very little about me – including that I’m highly allergic to mushrooms (there are other reasons out relationship is estranged as well, but I wont get into it).

Long story short, I don’t really suspect anything will be done about it. It’s just frustrating because I was EXPLICITLY clear about it and he either wasn’t paying attention or chose to ignore me. I’ll just wind up with a ton of tea I don’t want…

Thank you for the holiday wishes, though!


you could return/exchange it maybe?


Merry Christmas!
Once, I returned a sampler because I got 2 of the same ones. I didn’t have a receipt but they still did it for me. You could try to exchange it maybe.

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Eureka! After over TWO MONTHS of trying to do it, I’ve finally figured out how to turn on the volume for my till! This means many good things: I can listen to music on Youtube and drown out all the AWFUL Christmas carols the mall keeps playing on repeat, and I can also watch TV while I’m on shift…

Yup, it’s confirmed. I’m the worst manager. I take every opportunity I can to slack off, but in my defense we’re almost always absolutely dead so there’s not much I could be doing anyway.

Anyway, this was work tea #2 – and I’m not totally sure what I was thinking? It’s not that I don’t enjoy it, but I remember very specifically liking this one better when it had cooled down and since I’m drinking it in a timolino it’s not really getting the chance to do that.

Anyway, for preparation I used 2 tsp. (slightly heaping) steeped in the 12 oz. timolino for three minutes with boiling water. Like I said, I think this tastes better cool, but it’s not BAD hot. Actually, usually I get a very sweet banana pudding type of taste (I figure it’s from the butterscotch sweetening the banana, which makes it very candy like). Today it’s more of a realistic banana taste, though. I think maybe that’s because I got a large hunk of banana into the dry leaf I used so there’s more contributing banana flavor than usual. I like this both ways: banana candy or realistic banana.

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Today is Christmas Eve (well, for me anyway)! My family will be getting in tonight at roughly 10:30 PM (just in time for some late night tea), and then I have all day off tomorrow for “Christmas”. My Aunt Nancy who lives in town even stopped by early this morning before her show and dropped off some Christmas cards for everyone (and I gave her a plate of baking).

I am a little bit ticked off though. Today my shift wasn’t supposed to start two – so I had set aside the morning to finish the dishes and tidy up because, lets face it, Tre and I are not tidy people. However, that didn’t exactly work out because one of the other locations in town for our company was severely understaffed today, so they pulled the employee from my store and had me come in early. So, my sink is still spilling over with dishes from baking, and my 7 and a half hour shift turned into a ten hours one – with no break. Ughhhhh…

Anyway, I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat – so the plan was always to have a lemon tea, probably Lemon Chiffon. However, since I realized I was REALLY going to need the extra energy, I decided on this one instead because it hit the energy and lemon criteria.

I’ve discovered I actually like this a lot better watered down – it just seems a bit creamier and smoother that way. So, I actually only used 2 tsp. of leaf for about 18 oz. of water – steeped in boiling water for six minutes. Despite being significantly watered down, I think this still packs quite a punch.

Also, since this was partly for an achy throat I added about a teaspoon and a half of honey (just generic store brand, because I don’t use it enough to make use of a higher quality kind). The honey adds another dimension to the tea, and actually is sort of reminding me of meringue? So – basically lemon pie filling complete with the meringue topping.

Also – my landlord just stopped at my store to wish me a Merry Christmas, thank me for the baking I brought him, and to ask if I’d hire his daughter…

Well, that was an awkward conversation. I feel like, maybe, that qualifies as a conflict of interest? Anyway – I can’t do it either way: we’re not busy enough to warrant my hiring another employee – she’d get next to no hours. I did recommend applying at one of our other locations (namely the one that was so busy it resulted in my having to work extra hours today) because that seemed like a happy medium to not pissing off my landlord but not hiring someone I can’t justify (morally and financially) hiring.


That is awkwardly forward of your landlord. Nice handling of that awkward situation though.

Roswell Strange

Part of what makes it awkward is that, even though I don’t know her super well, I’ve developed an impression of her just from living under her. And, while she’s incredibly nice I don’t get the impression that she’s exactly responsible. Every time her Dad is out of town she has parties or her boyfriend sleeps over, and as another example when I dropped the baking off last night I’m about 90% sure she was totally stoned… So, knowing that makes it a little hard to see her as an employee? It’d just be an odd work dynamic regardless, though…

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I’m so proud of Tre! It seems like, fingers crossed, he’s maybe starting to get more explorative with tea – and he’s finally making some for himself when I’m not around. Which, I suppose could be a bad thing too because there are some blends I’m not super keen to share…

Anyway, earlier in the day while I was at work I guess he resteeped the leaf from the Vanilla Orchid I made (I’m super impressed he even retained that leaf can be resteeped), and then while I was baking he told me he’d had some matcha.. That threw me off because I keep the matcha in a seperate location from all the other tea, and I haven’t shown him where that spot is. Turns out he meant mate (close enough), but him bringing up matcha reminded me that I wanted to try this as a tea soda! So, that’s what I did!

Because club soda has a taste all its own, I decided I would use more matcha today to compensate for that and cover up the slightly more salty taste of the club soda. So instead of the 1/2 tsp. I used yesterday I used a full tsp. today. This was dissolved into about 2 oz. of hot water, and from there I just poured in the full can of club soda (in my water bottle, because I find matcha easier to drink when I can’t see the colour).

And, it’s really good! Basically, I’ve recreated the taste of those fizzy vitamin C tablets that dissolve into water and make it all carbonated. I love those! I bet with sugar I could make this a little bit closer to orange crush type soda. Actually, knowing that it’s not all matcha I dislike and after having pretty good success make this into a soda, it makes me want to buy some more of the fruity matcha flavours to keep doing this…

I do have some Pineapple matcha on the way from VariaTEA, so I’ll definitely make sure I try it this way!

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Yay my Christmas baking is done! Somehow, even though I knew exactly what I was making, I imagined there’d be less though – which is perhaps why I wanted to make so much? It was weird logic. Anyway, the entire fridge is absolutely filled with baking – every last shelf. And, I’m not above saying that I HEAVILY indulged. Hell, it’s Christmas ;)

(Tomorrow is my Christmas Eve… How weird is that?)

Anyway, I was talking to Robyn (well, texting her) while I was at work and she brought up craving white chocolate peppermint bark, which of course only made me crave it. So, I had the next best thing! A cup of this tea while I was baking. Mmm, super creamy!


Well done!

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Sipdown (120)!

I think I actually would have preferred Butiki’s Root Beer Float, but I happened to have the perfect amount of this one left to make it in my timolino and I couldn’t resist another sipdown what with my cupboard growing so quickly.

I still can’t get the stink of Currant Affair out of my timolino! I’ve scrubbed and scrubbed, but it wont go away; though I don’t get the taste of it, so I’m thankful for that at least. I’m beginning to wonder if the smell of Currant Affair is even there at all, or whether I’m just imagining it…

Taste wise, this is sweet without being cloying and I’m really enjoying it. Like I said the first time I had it, this still reminds me of an “old fashioned rootbeer” rather than a float because it has that medicinal taste to it that I associate with old fashioned rootbeer (except, that’s not a bad thing). I’m sad to see this go because I do love old fashioned rootbeer, but I’m not too sad because I have Butiki’s version and I personally find that one better.

Also, I ordered Mexi-Fries from Taco Time for lunch today (back to mall food…), and they asked if I wanted hot sauce. My reply was “mild” but upon dipping my mexi-fry, it was most certainly NOT mild. I ended up doing this weird coughing and sneezing thing with it was in my mouth which resulted in half a mexi-fry lodged up my nose. Not an impressed person, though thankfully I have tea to make me feel better.

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drank Vanilla Orchid by DAVIDsTEA
16384 tasting notes

I finally started my Christmas baking!!!

That’s really good, especially since it has to be done by tomorrow evening (family gets here Sunday morning). So, I did two out of five recipes, and when I get off work I’ll be doing either the big one (carrot cupcakes with cream cheese icing) or the two smaller cookie recipes (pistachio pudding sugar cookies and butterscotch pudding sugar cookies)! And then whatever is left will be done tomorrow before work! This is super exciting because I was worried I’d procrastinated too long and wouldn’t have time to do everything I wanted.

Anyway, in the middle of baking my brownies, my tea samples from Keychange arrived (this being one of them). I finished my baking, logged everything on my spreadsheet and on Steepster, and then set out to make myself a mug of this one. I chose this one in particular because I’m realizing that I have a TON of smaller sample amounts from DAVIDsTEA and I’d really like to work through some of them – especially the ones that are part of the permanent collection and, ergo, don’t need to be hoarded.

(On that note, I used up all of my sample of DAVIDsTEA’s Kanpe tea sent to me from VariaTEA today by setting it up to cold brew – although I’m not counting it as a sipdown yet since it hasn’t actually been consumed)

I was also excited to try this one because I’ve seen lots of reviews on it lately (ok, maybe not lots – but at least two). So, I guess my curiosity was especially peeked.

I steeped 1 tsp. in 10 oz. of water, at about 80 degrees Celsius for four minutes. I had sort of just assumed this one needed a lower water temperature, but after looking it up I guess the recommended temperature is 92 degrees Celsius. I was all ready to try this hot, but then I took a look at the clock and saw that I only had 30 minutes until I started work – so in a frenzied panic I dumped it into my water bottle and rushed to get ready and to work on time (made it with five minutes to spare!).

So now I’m drinking this cold – although keychange was very generous in the amount she gave me, so I have more than enough to try this hot as well. Taste wise, the first thing I notice is the very floral aspects of this tea: definitely orchid, and some other things as well though I can’t exactly put my finger on them. I’m finding them borderline ‘perfumey’, but not quite there. Next thing is the very creamy vanilla taste. Because of the very thick mouthfeel this has, it sort of results in a “vanilla pudding” type of taste. I actually normally hate vanilla pudding (except, oddly enough I like tapioca which is just vanilla pudding with little gelatin bead type things) – but this is working pretty well with me. The fact this is cold is also probably only accentuating the vanilla pudding thing, as well.

I’m really enjoying this though – and I don’t think I’m gonna have any issues getting through it. That said, I can also see this as something I would get very sick of if I was having it frequently, and for that reason I doubt it’s something I’d ever keep regularly stocked or stocked in large quantity. I think it’d be awesome for an occasional treat, though!


I definitely agree. Every now and then I think it is a nice treat but it is not something I would want often. One of those teas that when you want it, nothing will suffice, but you have to want it.


Yup, I’m with you there. I loved on it for a while, and now am a bit sick of it. When it’s good, it’s really good, though. Weird how tea can be like that.

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I feel like I accomplished none of the things I wanted to this evening to make up for my horrible work day, and that just leaves me feeling kind of defeated (as if I let the day get the better of me). I was going to start my Christmas baking (which I REALLY need to have finished before Saturday evening) and reward myself which yummy cookies, and I also had two new teas set aside to try (this one and 52Tea’s Cucumber Mango Shou Mei) as well. I guess I just didn’t realize how physically exhausted I was from work on top of feeling mentally exhausted, and I just never started my baking and I kept putting off trying the teas I had set aside…

Eventually Tre and I started to have a really good conversation that lasted several hours, and by the time we were done it and I had thought “hmm, lets go try that shou mei!” I looked at the clock and it was midnight. No more time for baking, and definitely not time to properly enjoy two new teas…

So, I am making a note for myself that tomorrow I need to start my baking before work and actually finish at least two of the five recipes, otherwise they will not be done in time!!!.

I decided I had to pull at least something out of the wasted evening though, so I’m having one of the teas and that will have to be enough. This is the one I picked, primarily because I figured making it would require the least amount of effort. I received this matcha in the “take it away” thread from Iridium who, I believe, received it from Lala in the same thread. Pair that with the fact that my only two other matcha experiences were definitely both negative ones (funnily enough, both other ones I’ve tried were from Lala as well), and I did not have high hopes.

Dry, the matcha actually smells pretty good. It reminds me of fizzy vitamin C tablets you put in water to make them dissolve, and then the water got all carbonated. My dad used to make my brother and I drink those all the time back when he was going through his “super health junkie” type phase and obsessing over my brother and I having poor eating habits and being obese. Normally, the stupid shit he used to try on us (so many vitamins…) really pissed me off and tasted disgusting, but I actually really liked those fizzy vitamin C tablets. They tasted kinda like orange pop but less sweet.

I should note I have NO clue what the “specifications” of this matcha are (whether it’s robust or distinctive or otherwise)…

For preparation, I decided to cold shake this because it’s probably the easiest way I know how to do this given I don’t really have any of the “tools” to make matcha. Also, it’s fast to do. So, I used 1/2 tsp (I think last time I was using full teaspoons, but I was really cautious this time so I definitely made sure to use less) of the matcha for a grand total of 20 oz. of water. I’m pretty sure that’s watered down from where it’s supposed to be at.

I’m actually gonna admit that a small part of why I cold shook it has to do with the fact my water bottle is not see through, and this small superficial part of me cannot get over drinking something that is green (and not an appetizing shade of it) that – in my mind – should not be green. Oranges are not supposed to be green, eggnog is not supposed to be green, etc. It’s hard for me to get over that – and by drinking it this way, I visually can’t see the green. It’s easier to forget that way…

As far as smell goes, I’m still getting “fizzy vitamin C tablets”. It actually smells quite nice, in my opinion.

As far as taste goes, this is more akin to chewable orange flavoured vitamins. There’s actually even a “chalky” taste to it that I associate with those kind of vitamins. And really, those are my favorite vitamins – and I, oddly enough, am loving the taste here! Although, I think in my unflavoured matchaccino review I said something to the effect of “yuck, YUCK, YUCK_, *_YUCK*” – so suppose it’s not really hard for this to be much of a step up.

But no – I don’t think I’m gonna have any issues getting through this! Which, I’m frankly finding really odd…

Also, has anyone tried making matcha tea soda? I feel like this would be really easy to do in comparison to regular tea soda because it’d be much more easy to manage the concentration level. I bet with some club soda in here, I could really make it taste like fizzy vitamin C tablets…

Maybe I’ll have to try that tomorrow?


This one is robust flavouring.

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Sometimes it’s impossible to communicate how much I hate working in retail sales, like today for example. Our debit/credit pad is broken (again) which means we can only accept cash transactions for the time being. 90% of people are genuinely very accepting and patient, but it’s the other 10% that just make me feel awful.

At this point, after only being two hours and 30 minutes into a four hour shift, I’ve had three people flat out say “Fuck You” to me, one person literally just dropped the calendars she was going to buy on the floor (and then walked away without a word), and one person demanded to see the manager. I just so happen to be the manager, so when I (I thought rather nicely and patiently, given the shift I’m having and his attitude) told him that he responded rather cruelly with “You can’t be the manager – you’re too young! You just don’t want to get in trouble!”. Get in trouble for what exactly?

Like, I get that it’s an inconvenience for people (it’s inconvenient for me as well): everyone wants to get their Christmas shopping done as soon as possible and not everyone carries cash with them. However, I’ve done and am doing everything I can – including troubleshooting the pad for the first hour of my shift, contacting our tech repair guy while doing this and reporting the problem and arranging for someone to come in to fix it (they wont be here until tomorrow morning), and letting every single person know that the pad isn’t working as they approach the till. It’s not my fault it broke, and I’m doing my best. Please don’t take your frustration out on the sales person.

That’s an attitude everyone should have in any kind of sales position: whether it’s at the movies, dealing with waiters or similar at restaurants or shopping at the mall (etc.). Most of us work horrible hours for minimum wage – and that certainly isn’t enough to deal with your bullshit.

Anyway – ranting and frustration aside – I’m very thankful to have a hot timolino full of this to sip on in between terrible customers. It’s creamy and buttery and delicious, and the perfect comforting drink for this stressful day. I feel like I got some extra coconut taste today – which is awesome! It’d be perfect, really, if my timolino wasn’t retaining the smell of that awful swill from yesterday that was Currant Affair. At least it’s not retaining the taste, right? That’s a positive.

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

oh gawd…that sounds awful. So glad you have your tea.


Wow. I’m always so shocked hwen I hear horror stories like this. I’m so sorry your shift is so shitty, but am glad your tea is keeping you warm company. I thought of you while I had my Boston blend from h and s today (because I think you’d like it), and hope your day picks up soon!


Ugh, yeah, it’s your fault because you planned to inconvenience them. Makes you wonder what these jerks have done for a living.

Roswell Strange

I’m finally home and off from work. I’m not a religious person, but with all the shit I dealt with today I said a quick little prayer for my employee taking over for me. I’ve decided my reward for an awful day will be to try out a new tea and to eat some of the baking I’ll be doing (Tre finally bought eggs, so I can start my Christmas baking for my family – though I wasn’t going to eat any of the stuff I make tonight). Honestly, I’ve dealt with worse people when I worked at the movie theatre, but somehow it just seemed more personal today…


That’s brutal. :( I’m sorry people are so inconsiderate. These things just happen. It’s not like you’re trying to sabotage their shopping experience.


I used to work retail in my late teens and early 20s, and was always the manager. I always used to take pride when folks would ask to speak with The Manager, and I could say, “You’ve got her!” Of course, they’d always be rude and disrespectful (once I even had to call the police on a customer, it was so bad), and I would just kill them with sweetness and kindness. If it helps? I found most people just wanted to be heard. When I let people vent for a few minutes, heard their concerns, and then tried to figure out how to help them… 9 times out of 10, I was able to exceed their needs and expectations. One lady just LOST it on me, and I found out it was because her Mom had just passed, and a staffer had chopped up her video rental card. I listened to her vent, and then took that card, had it framed, and sent it to the customer. She was a customer for life (while video stores still existed, heh) although it was really uncomfortable and upsetting during the whole incident.

Anyway. Novel over. I hear your frustration, and feel for you! I hope it gets better, fast, and that the joy of the season gets imbued into your work sooner rather than later.

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Hello! My name is Kelly, though many people in the tea community call me Ros or Roswell.

I am a mid-twenties tea addict, blogger, and all around nerd. I grew up in the Prairies, but a few years ago I relocated to Quebec to pursue a career with DAVIDsTEA in the tea industry! I’m still working on getting my French language skills down…

My first introduction to tea, in any form outside of instant and bottled iced tea, was about seven years ago when I happened to stumble upon DAVIDsTEA while looking for a birthday present for a friend! I tried their Birthday Cake rooibos blend, and I’ve been hooked on tea ever since! In those seven years; I was introduced to the online tea community, expanded my interest in flavoured teas to include a deep love and appreciation for straight teas and traditional brewing methods, got a tea themed tattoo, started reviewing teas, amassed a sizable tea and teaware collection, became a TAC certified Tea Sommelier, & even came full circle by beginning a career in the tea industry with DAVIDsTEA!

I consider myself a Jack of all Teas, and strive to have a knowledge and appreciation of all tea types, formats, and styles of drinking. I don’t like to feel boxed in to just being a “flavoured tea” or “straight tea” drinker – my expectations may vary depending on the type of tea or how it’s been processed/prepared but if it’s good tea, it’s good tea no matter how it’s been made!

You name it, I probably drink it- and I’ll absolutely try anything at least once.

My default method of preparation is hot, Western style, and straight – but I’m not opposed to additions if I’m in the right mood. If I ever add something to a tea or use a different method of preparation I will ALWAYS call it out in the tasting note though.

I like to listen to music when drinking tea, especially when I’m brewing a large pot at a time or steeping Gongfu. Often I curate very intentional tea and music pairings, and sometimes I share them here in my tasting reviews. Music is something that I find can deeply affect the experience of having tea.

I’m also one half of the “tea and fandom” podcast GeekSteep where, weekly, we discuss newly explored fandoms over tea as well as try to figure out the perfect tea to pair with each fandom. You can find us on Spotify and Apple & Google podcasts.

Favourite flavour notes/ingredients: Pear, lychee, cranberry, cream, melon, pineapple, malt, roasty, petrichor, sweet potato, heady florals like rose, hazelnut or walnut, sesame, honey (in moderation), and very woody shou.

Least favourite flavour notes/ingredients:
Lemongrass, ginger, strongly spiced profiles (and most Chai in general), mushrooms, seaweed, chamomile, stevia, saltiness or anything that reminds me too much of meat that isn’t supposed to taste like meat…

Currently exploring/obsessed with: Sheng from Yiwu, Yancha (Qilan in particular), anything with a strong sweet potato note. Also, I need to try ALL the root beer teas! Searching for a really good caramel flavoured blend, ideally with a black tea base.

Please contact me at the instagram account listed below if you would like me to review your teas.

Currently I’m employed in the tea department of the DAVIDsTEA head office. While I’m still sharing my own personal thoughts on new & existing DAVIDsTEA blends, I am no longer numerically rating them due to the obvious conflict of interest. Any comments expressed are a reflection of my own thoughts and opinions, and do not reflect the thoughts and opinions of the company. Any DAVIDsTEA blends you currently see with a numeric score were reviewed prior to my being hired there and have not been adjusted since becoming a DAVIDsTEA employee.


Montreal, QC, CA



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