Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Blackberry Leaves, Blue Cornflowers, Natural Bergamot Oil, Natural Vanilla Flavor, Orange Peels
Bergamot, Blueberry, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Creamy, Sweet, Blackberry, Jam, Pastries, Berries, Earl Grey, Cotton Candy, Cream
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 11 oz / 339 ml

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110 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Ok, so everyone has been posting this one lately and it reminded me I was due for a cup. I think I still have about 2 oz of this left in my pretty, keep me forever TARDIS tin! But I bought this...” Read full tasting note
  • “It’s been a busy day! First, I actually left my house at 8:30 in the morning to meet with the new principal of the Visual & Performing Arts (VPA) middle school in St. Louis’ Magnet school...” Read full tasting note
  • “Does anyone remember the TV Mini Series The 10th Kingdom? I remember first watching the DVD set when I was like 12, maybe? I decided yesterday that in between job hunting I’m going to rewatch the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yet another fan-based tea blend, this time it’s Dr. Who! I just started watching Dr. Who and now I can’t stop! I love the smell of this tea. It is straight up berries. I know there is some earl...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee

Tastes bigger inside the cup [Ethereal earl grey and enchanting black berry with notes of vanilla]

Inspired by BBC’s Doctor Who, which I am in no way affiliated with. This is created purely for my own enjoyment.

Created by: Cara McGee

Ingredients: black tea, orange, natural bergamot flavor, blue cornflowers, natural blackberry flavor, natural vanilla flavor & raspberry leaves

Steeping Instructions: Steep at 212° for 2 minutes.

About Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee View company

Company description not available.

110 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

Ok, so everyone has been posting this one lately and it reminded me I was due for a cup. I think I still have about 2 oz of this left in my pretty, keep me forever TARDIS tin! But I bought this in April, so I had better get sipping!

It was a great cup, as always. 2 min is enough to bring out the flavours so they can dance in my mouth and take me to different places through time and space… Now if only I could land in August 2014 to see the new Doctor Who Season. Or, Christmas next year for more Sherlock! :O

(I guess to be specific, they were talking about THIS Tardis tea: http://steepster.com/teas/custom-adagio-teas/42029-tardis but I don’t have it and never have. So, it’s time for this one! Some day I will switch from Cara McG teas over to Aun Juli Riddle. I’ve heard good things and for some fandoms I like the art far more!)

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec
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OMGsrsly 11 years ago

Haha. They’re both good, but I like the other one better. :) Although, knowing Adiago fills tins by volume, and the fact it has white tea in it… I’m not sure I want to buy more. IDK.

MissB 11 years ago

I like the other one better too, although they’re both tasty. I should send you some!

TeaLady441 11 years ago

If you’d like to, I’d be curious to try it! But no rush. :D

TeaLady441 11 years ago

And that’s a very good point OMGsrsly! I hope they change the wording on their site.

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

At least it looks like most fandom blends are 4oz. Or the Tardis ones are.

MissB 11 years ago

Heh. Consider it added to a bag for you. :)

TeaLady441 11 years ago

That’s awesome – thank you!

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3294 tasting notes

It’s been a busy day!
First, I actually left my house at 8:30 in the morning to meet with the new principal of the Visual & Performing Arts (VPA) middle school in St. Louis’ Magnet school system. For about 12 years I worked there part time teaching Harp. I had 10 students per class, with 3 classes (6th, 7th, & 8th grade). During the time I was there I had some really awesome kids, some of whom still keep in touch with me from time to time, & some who continued their studies with me at the VPA high school, & are currently studying Harp in college (Ball State, Webster University, Lincoln U). Sadly, the program began to fall apart, as we got a new principal who had no interest in the arts & set out to remove the “smart through the arts” emphasis. I quit, as it was a miserable environment. So now there is a new principal, who attended the VPA program years ago, & his big goal is to get the school back on track. He would like to start my Harp program up again, among other things. We had a nice visit.

Then I played at the nursing home, then at another event. I knew I’d be out & about for awhile, so I brewed up a strong batch of Tardis & then iced it down. I carried it around with me all afternoon in my venti sized double walled starbucks cup with a straw. It stayed nice & cold, & it is delicious as an ice tea, SO good. Leif agrees, he had some too.

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Fuzzy_Peachkin 12 years ago

Sounds like exciting stuff in the works! Music is essential!

High Adventure 12 years ago

School without the arts should be a crime! I try to work in art and music as much as I can with my first graders, but there is no formal curriculum. Sad!

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

St. Louis’ VPA program was really awesome at it’s highest point, with 2 elementary schools, a middle school, & a high school that all included a wide array of arts. At the elementary everyone learned to play an instrument, & got a chance to try out various other arts. At the middle school they could choose 2 arts: music (vocal, string, band, harp, piano), dance, theater, audio visual, 2 different art approaches (one more focused on sculptural mediums like clay, the other more focused on drawing, painting). We had the top jazz band, flags & stuff like that in the district. The high school included all that, plus a fashion design program & who knows what else. All the music teachers were top notch musicians, performing locally on the jazz scene, or as soloists, or as part of some ensemble or other. I won’t go into the many reasons the programs have gone downhill, but it is a shadow of itself & a shame.

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17027 tasting notes

Does anyone remember the TV Mini Series The 10th Kingdom? I remember first watching the DVD set when I was like 12, maybe? I decided yesterday that in between job hunting I’m going to rewatch the whole thing, and I’ve just absolutely fallen in love with it, again! I had the biggest crush on Wolf my first time watching it, and I have to admit I still find him pretty attractive this time around, lol. Although, I totally get more of the innuendo/adult humor now…

Anyway, this was breakfast tea #2! For whatever reason I’ve developed a minor “quirk” if you will where I’ll only ever reach for an Earl Grey/Bergamot heavy tea during the earliest part of my day. I’m not sure why, but I seem to only crave that flavour as a “breakfast” sort of tea.

I actually have two samples of this, one purchased from Shadowfall and one given to me from MissB. This particular cup comes from Shadowfall’s sample. My parameters were 1 1/2 tsp. of leaf in 8 oz. of boiling water, steeped for about 6 minutes (it may have been a little less than that). As far as the dry smell goes, I just smell a sweet Earl Grey, and steeped up it smells like a very light on the Bergamot Earl.

Taste wise, I was right about the Bergamot being pretty light. Like, it’s there and if you were just picking up a mug of this without knowing what it was, you would totally be able to taste and identify the Bergamot – it’s not that light. It’s not just too heavy or bold. Personally, I kinda like that. I also really get a sense of the vanilla in the mix. There is an additional fruitiness to the tea, but if I wasn’t reading “Blackberry” from the ingredients list then I would have no idea that’s what it was. I think many people have encountered that.

So overall, it’s a really nice light Earl Grey but I don’t get Blackberry notes from it. That said, I’m going to quite happily finish off my sample(s) and if I had an easy way (curse Adagio’s outrageous shipping prices to Canada) to get more, I think I would over some of the other EGs I have – partially because of the taste and partially because of the namesake ;)

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__Morgana__ 11 years ago

I tend to be the same way with Earl Grey. Start with it and move to lighter stuff from there. Which is interesting because it’s exactly the opposite of how I’ve been taught to taste wines, for example. There, you typically drink the lightest first and move on to heavier stuff.

Uniquity 11 years ago

I think you are my soul mate. I adored The Tenth Kingdom (I think I was 13 at the time). I have it on VHS, also I have the book and it on my computer as well because I too had the idea to re-watch it recently. I had quite the crush on Wolf and waited desperately for them to make another. The rumour ‘round the internet is that they couldn’t afford to pay the same cast for Part Two so they scrapped it.

Meliboum 11 years ago

The 10th Kingdom was such a great mini series ! I think all the girls who watched it were a bit in love with Wolf… me included ! Now you’re making me want to watch it again. And soon ! :)

Roswell Strange 11 years ago

I just finished the part with the Peeps and the magic well, and is it wrong that I both found Wolf’s whimpering for Virginia to believe he was innocent pathetic and also very hot? D:

Uniquity 11 years ago

How I long to linger/On your sweetheart’s finger!

Roswell Strange 11 years ago

Ughhh – I hate the singing pearl ring! So annoying D:

Dinosara 11 years ago

10th kingdom represent! I had the VHS, the soundtrack and the book (I think they came in a box set?). I loved it so much. I still refer to “eighty-onest street” on occasion!

Roswell Strange 11 years ago

Ha, it’s so much longer than I remember it being. I feel like I may need to take a break soon because I’ve been going non-stop since getting up, but I just ended on a cliff hanger! D:

Roswell Strange 11 years ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czDc-qWScr4 That’s where I am right now! The opening/closing song is so stuck in my head and I think I’m pissing my roommate off because I keep belting it out as loud as I can each time it comes on. I’m so happy people knew what I was talking about, though!

moraiwe 11 years ago

I remember marathon-ing it at a slumber party with some amazing friends in high school. We started at 11:30 at night and watched straight through. nostalgic sigh It actually came up relatively recently that we watch it again and this isn’t helping.

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541 tasting notes

Yet another fan-based tea blend, this time it’s Dr. Who! I just started watching Dr. Who and now I can’t stop! I love the smell of this tea. It is straight up berries. I know there is some earl grey in there, but it is more of a whisper than a real player. This makes me extremely happy as I am not a huge fan of Earl Grey teas. This also has a slight tart note that makes it memorable.
When I first tasted it I looked at my husband and said “it tastes blue!” I think that it tastes very similar to blueberry muffins or blueberry bagels. I’m glad that this is a black tea blend because I think that it goes better as a base instead of a lighter one. I think that this one is going to be a great blend for school days. I will have to try this cold because I think the berry would really stand out.
Great blend and as always, very cute art!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
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Uniquity 13 years ago

Although I’m bummed because things keep getting leaked and I’d rather not know til it happens.

Tamm 13 years ago

Yeah I don’t even look at the fandom yet because I still haven’t finished anything really. I normally don’t care about spoilers, but I kind of want to be surprised this time :3

Uniquity 13 years ago

Good thing I didn’t say anything specific then! What season/series are you up to?

Tamm 13 years ago

I actually started with the newest doctor. Netflix lists it as season 5. I have no idea how accurate it is. I watched an episode a really long time ago that my husband and I love, but now we’re unsure of what season/doctor it was.

Uniquity 13 years ago

The first episode I ever saw was with Matt Smith (Christmas episode 2010). THEN I went back and started at the beginning of the “new” ones and rode the wave through Eccleston and Tennant. It’s wonderful – I hope you enjoy! : )

Tamm 13 years ago

:D Thanks! I am really enjoying the show so far and hopefully soon I’ll be caught up enough to be part of the fandom w/o spoilers! lol I saw someone at school the other day with a Dr. Who shirt and I just wanted to hug them.

Uniquity 13 years ago

My beau bought me a Sonic Screwdriver for my birthday last year. Not only does it make awesome noises, but I’ve actually fixed a bunch of stuff with it. : )

Tamm 13 years ago

:O sweet!

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15620 tasting notes

thank cavocorax I realised that i hadn’t tried this yet so today is the day! I love me some doctor who but i dislike most earl grey’s heh This isn’t a bad earl grey. It’s got a mildness to it that i like though it’ll never be a favourite. Thanks for sharing though Cavo! It’s pretty decent.

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TeaLady441 11 years ago

Glad it was tolerable. :P It wouldn’t normally be one I’d need a tin of, but…. TARDIS! :O So I get extra enjoyment for thinking fandom feels!

Oh. I just remembered the exteneded trailer for the DW special came out this weekend! BRB.

TeaLady441 11 years ago

Ok, that was great. I missed 10. Those two will be brilliant together.

Sil 11 years ago

I’m refraining from watching…I only just finished up the snowmen

TeaLady441 11 years ago

Ok, well I’ll be careful not to say anything more to you about it until you catch up. >__>

TeaLady441 11 years ago

(which I realize may be months from now – no pressure)

Sil 11 years ago

haha yeah maybe…i’ve torn between wanting to watch them all NAAAAOO and wanting to savor them

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6444 tasting notes

While playing poker with some friends, I got up to make some tea. When I asked if anyone wanted, one friend started to ask if I had some normal Tetley’s Orange Pekoe but then decided he would branch out and asked to try some TARDIS tea (being a Doctor Who fan it was obviously the standout choice for him). So I decided once I was making a cup for him, I would try it myself.

My friend ended up quite enjoying his cup – he said it was different from what he was used to drinking (Orange Pekoe) but really good. As for me, I found that this tea was a delicious Cream Earl Grey type tea. I did not taste blackberry. What I did taste was a really yummy Earl Grey with a hint of creaminess. Not what I was expecting but still very delicious. It makes me want to try the earl grey bravo on its own to see how that compares to a cup with additional flavors. Perhaps something to look into. Anyways, thank you Cavocorax for sharing with me.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec
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TeaLady441 11 years ago

I almost got more of a blueberry from it, instead of blackberry but either way I’m happy you guys enjoyed it. :)
I don’t know what it was about that tea but after I drank my sample, I sorta obsessed about it for months until someone in the US felt sorry for me and offered to ship it to me from their place. :P (And save me $30 in shipping)

TeaLady441 11 years ago

I don’t expect everyone else to obsess about it though. It’s just funny how different blends hit people.

VariaTEA 11 years ago

It is a tasty blend for sure. I did not taste berry, I tasted a creamy vanilla earl grey which was quite delicious.

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1220 tasting notes

When I got 100 cup points, I decided I’d get this. It was between this and the Sagittarius zodiac tea and now I feel like I should have gone with that. But they’re basically very similar…blackberry or raspberry? I have to choose blackberry.

I don’t really taste blackberry in here though until long after I take a sip. It seems like it’s just a floral bergamot flavor, but it finally fades into blackberry.

I’m surprised though at how smoooooooth it is. I gave it just a 3 minute steep, and it’s perfect for me. Not too strongly bergamot, and very easy to just sip.

A latte sounds like a great idea, especially since this one comes with FOUR ounces of tea instead of just three.

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KeenTeaThyme 12 years ago

Adagio’s blackberry flavor is kinda mean. Or shy. It’s hard to get it to come out and play.

MegWesley 12 years ago

Do share if you make it a latte! I have noticed that some flavors only like to come out with the addition of milk. Plus I have been eyeballing this since I am a big Dr Who fan.

Kittenna 12 years ago

I wish this Tardis tea was something different that my roommate would like, because I would totally get it for her… but I don’t think this would really pique her interest.

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1501 tasting notes

This is delicious, and I’m so glad that JustJames grabbed some in the Huge Black Friday Tea Buyout of 2013 (seriously, it was almost $500 in tea from fourteen different companies spread over six people)!

Smells strongly of an Earl Grey, but tamed down a bit with something dessert-like. Vanilla, I’m assuming, even though my brain says caramel… know JustJames would avoid something caramel unless it’s from Stacy at Butiki.

Steeped, it smells the same. The edges of a normal Earl Grey are smoothed out by the vanilla and something faintly berry-ish. Sweetened I get more of a creamy anise flavor, which is weird since there’s zero licorice anything in here. Regardless, it’s delicious, and I’m so glad I decided to go in on this bag!

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec
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JustJames 11 years ago

blackberry and vanilla is what i always registered =0)

the box did not arrive today. =0(

MissB 11 years ago

What? I paid for it to arrive today. Grrr. I’m still waiting for stuff to get to me that was shipped weeks before the holidays, too.

Sigh. If it’s still missing tomorrow, I’ll find the tracking # again and see what’s up.

Isaila 11 years ago

Is this the Cara McGee blend? I’m pretty sure that it’s like creamy earl grey and black berry. Love this one :)

MissB 11 years ago

It is! I’ve changed the name a few times to clarify it’s the Cara McGee one, but it keeps on getting changed back. Ah well. Super tasty!

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

I stuck the “created by” tag into the description. Hope that helps!

MissB 11 years ago

Smarty pants! :)

OMGsrsly 11 years ago


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323 tasting notes

Thanks to Kiaharii for this! It got here a wee bit late, but safe and sound, and due to my mistake, not hers! :)

I worked a 13 hour day yesterday because one of our cashiers called out, and I’m the best cashier in the store. (And I’m not bragging – all of my managers and every competent – read adult – employee in the store have told me this. I’m the only one apart from Liz, our Customer Service Lead who’s allowed to train newbies)

Came home exhausted, spent the rest of the night curled up on the couch cradling a cup of tea and sobbing about all the things I was supposed to do but couldn’t.

And then I was in work today to buy school supplies, and my boss talks me into working today too. It’s the height of Back to School and the cashier they had scheduled is painfully slow at the best of times, never mind during BTS. So after she got me in, she actually texted him and said not to bother coming in because she’s got me.

I’m gonna miss this store.

But there are holes worn in my working shoes and I can feel my arches collapsing where I stand.

So I was very excited to come hone and see this on the table.

I went for the TARDIS because I’ve heard fantastic things about it and also I wanted a fruity something tonight, not anything serious.

It’s good. The ratio of the blackberry to the black tea is good, although there’s a little too much bergamot for me. It’s not me steeping it wrong, since I steeped it at 2 minutes with 180deg water (the latter part by accident). No milk or sugar, but I don’t think this should need it. I didn’t taste much of the vanilla and found myself wishing that it was an EGC base instead of a straight EG.

Still, it’s really good. The blackberry is just right. A satisfying cuppa after work!

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec
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gmathis 13 years ago

Being appreciated at work is a mixed blessing, especially when “appreciate” translates into “pile more work on the person who will actually get it done.” Glad you had a treat to come home to—and sounds like a good one at that.

TassieTeaGirl 13 years ago

How do I get me some of that? Do adagio ship internationally! Oh dear, this is exciting!

TassieTeaGirl 13 years ago

Adagio do ship internationally… Hmmm…. Who can I con int doing a Doctor Who tea order for my birthday…

Michelle 13 years ago

@gmathis – yeah, it’s true. But I love the store in general, and I usually open, and the people who open are generally adult and more agreeable. The high schoolers mostly close, so I don’t run into them too often :)
@TassieTeaGirl – Unfortunately international shipping is mad expensive… WHICH IS WHY IT’S A BIRTHDAY PRESENT ;)

TassieTeaGirl 13 years ago

International shipping is expensive, but I do it for my DT orders, so what the hell. There a worse things to spend my money on!

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248 tasting notes

Mmmm. Dry this smells like a blueberry muffin and if you sniff a little deeper, earl grey. Brews to a really lovely red. I’d tell you what it smells like steeped but my nose is a little stuffy and whatever the scent is will not come through!

The taste is interesting. In some sips I get a ton of early grey, others the blackberry (that comes over more as a blueberry) dominates. The vanilla is more of an aftertaste on the back of my tongue. I added a bit of stevia to sweeten it up a tad. Definitely going to try this in latte form!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
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Daniel Scott 13 years ago

TARDIS BLEND?! Instant wishlist.

Michelle 13 years ago

I love how they have the “We fit 4oz into the pouch instead of 3 because it’s bigger on the inside.”

Autistic Goblin 13 years ago

No season of Doctor Who is complete without someone running in and out of the TARDIS with a surprised look on their face :D

Kiaharii 13 years ago

I loved that too! It seems some of Adagio’s employee are BBC fans. Have you seen the blends homepage lately?

Michelle 13 years ago

Definitely! Hacked it last night :)

Emilie 13 years ago

Aw, I was going to buy this, but I just noticed it’s an earl grey. For some reason, Adagio’s seem too strong on the bergamot for me. How would you say it was?

Kiaharii 13 years ago

It wasn’t too bad, but I haven’t had a ton of earl greys though. I would say it’s a dominating flavor. I can send you some though, enough for a cup maybe in case you want to try it but if you don’t like it, no biggie!

Emilie 13 years ago

I would love to! I’m always scared to buy these blends since you have to buy so much at once. I have the Reichenbach Recovery blend from them if you;re interested in that

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