I am perplexed by this tea! It sure smells like other Irishy/Englishy breakfast teas I’ve had, but it doesn’t look like anything I’ve seen before. Well, I take that back. It looks like coffee. Coffee grounds. Super weird, but exciting! Used a big-ish teaspoon and boiling water…immediately when the water hit the tea, it darkened up considerably. Like, to a color that I would perceive as done in other teas (I sometimes judge my tea’s doneness by it’s color, which is okay sometimes…but definitely not others. I have a problem overbrewing more delicate teas). Oof, this is a dark, STRONG tea. Definitely will keep me awake for a day of studying! I’m too much of a wuss to drink it without sugar. Hmm, upon poking at the used up leaves, they almost seem to mush together. Like coffee grounds. Mysterious.
4 min, 0 sec