Oh man this was worth the wait. As soon as the hot water hit the dry leaf the smell was AHHHMAZING.
I added just a little milk and had it iced. I think I’m gonna cut the time by 15-30 seconds next time though. The black tea got just a tad harsh for the delicious flavors of root beer. Maybe a touch of sugar too, to make it really decadent. But I guess doing that is more of an after dinner drink than one you have with dinner!
Lately the only root beer I have had has been “chai inspired” and it’s a nice change of pace to have a root beer tea, it’s actually very different. I also like how the marshmallow root gave the flavor and scent of ice cream to the tea.
I had tried to hold off on this one and I’m glad I failed even though again I am in this horrible I need money spot. I wish school would start already. Feels weird to say that. I also took too long to get stuff done and now I don’t even know when my school will approve my federal aid. I’m trying to see how much I get before I apply for my private loan but I already got turned down for one and I’m feeling really depressed about money.
Additionally I haven’t felt like tea lately because I get so much coffee at work. And I really want to narrow down my teas a lot, but this time I want to do it differently. For $27, I’ll fill up a priority mail medium flat rate box of teas for you. If you’re interested, send me a PM. It’d be easier if I just filled a box than go through everything making wishy washy decisions. It’ll only be in the US though because shipping that box to Canada is like $40 alone. And honestly I just don’t want to look at drinks anymore and I don’t want to waste this tea so I want it to go to a good home. I’m just not feeling much of anything anymore I guess, except oddly now I keep drinking coffee but I’m sure that’s the result of being in the midst of having more opening hours at work than even the manager! Ugh my body hurts.
also I’m trying to clear out old stuff from my etsy store at 25% off if anyone is interested…I’ve been bothering people about it for 2 days and have had zero sales go figure. some of it’s coming up on being around since the start so I reeeeeally want to clear it out!
also I’m trying to clear out old stuff from my etsy store at 25% off if anyone is interested…I’ve been bothering people about it for 2 days and have had zero sales go figure. some of it’s coming up on being around since the start so I reeeeeally want to clear it out!
mine says it’s been sorted at the post office…..IT’S NOT HERE YET THOUGH!!!!!!
I’m interested in getting some of your teas off your hands. Following you.