drank Chance Combinations by Custom
1220 tasting notes

Ok since this drink is only possible in two US cities right now I’m sticking it in here.

So Starbucks in Atlanta and Austin have like a sodastream-esque machine for making three sodas and they’re also pushing carbonating iced teas and possibly those refreshers? So the manager said they were told green tea doesn’t really work but she found a way…by mixing it with the ginger ale. She is very insistent on drinks, I love it. I had told the guy when I first got there that I was fine drink-wise but she had him make her one when we were getting started then of course had to get me to get one.

It was worth it! I’m pretty sure all the sugar has destroyed me. I have been really trying to limit my carbs but I think I’m going to have to triple the amount that’s ok on days I work hahaha. As much as I don’t want to I don’t think it’s fair to limit what I can taste so that I can tell people how things taste. And that seems to be a big thing w/my manager. Don’t know what something tastes like? Taste it. And I really like that because it drove me crazy at my brief time at Pinkberry that tasting things was not done very well (franchisee was too cheap to even allow free yogurt after work or on a break. Ridiculous.), and I think when you’re working somewhere with food you had better know what everything’s like so you don’t give that lame “everything’s good!” crap when someone asks you what you like.

Ok anyway. If you have the opportunity to have such a thing as this green tea ginger ale, you must. I think the sodas Harney & Sons sell come in such a variety? I’m not sure what the exact parameters are (yet) but it was really good. And it has that fresh ginger taste to it, which typically isn’t my favorite but goes so well with green tea.

I’m excited to try the passion tea lemonade this way. I’ll do that Wednesday hopefully!


Adding ginger ale actually sounds good…although I love ginger ale, even that green tea version from Canada Dry!

Aimee Popovacki

yeah, there was a green tea gingerale variety from canada dry awhile ago here.. i loved it… it got discontinued unfortunately! it tasted awesome together!

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Adding ginger ale actually sounds good…although I love ginger ale, even that green tea version from Canada Dry!

Aimee Popovacki

yeah, there was a green tea gingerale variety from canada dry awhile ago here.. i loved it… it got discontinued unfortunately! it tasted awesome together!

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