I coldbrewed this, and while totally delicious and coconutty, the base seemed a bit harsh. Then I came over to Steepster and saw “iced latte.” While the tea isn’t strong enough for that, I remembered I still have a lot of coconut creamer to use up in the next couple of days so I poured a good bit in. For once, I’m drinking a tea where it doesn’t matter if the coconut milk flavor comes through from the addition!
Definitely better now, but I still get something that tastes oddly smoky. I only recently bought this and I haven’t kept it with anything smoky, so I have no idea what caused this. It’s not bad, just seems out of place. Entirely possible it was picked up in the bottle even though I have no idea what would have caused it. But with the creaminess amped up, it’s less noticeable. This is definitely more like just coconut cream, not really getting any sort of crust flavor. Well, kind of, I’ve resorted to the butter cookies again, so I am tasting pie after all, but not solely from the tea.
Definitely will give it a try hot soon, and then properly make it an iced latte.