This is from the Den’s sampler. I ordered one for myself and sent one to my father. I already have some Den’s green teas, so I gave most of my samples to him and this is one of the ones I kept. I thought it would be a good choice to help me unwind and get to bed albeit at an already ungodly hour.
The leaves really are cool-looking, kind of like dark freshly-cut grass. I used the steeping parameters suggested in the booklet, and I definitely agree with them. I don’t like the scent of this once brewed, but it really is lovely upon the first sip. It’s smooth and light and kind of buttery. I wouldn’t have described it as tasting like roasted vegetables on my own, but after reading that I think it’s quite accurate.
I’m liking it more the further I go. It’s nice to have something so mild and soothing.