drank Fake Mead by Liquid Proust Teas
106 tasting notes

Interesting aroma, more floral than I was expecting for a black. The first hot steep I had was on the short side, about 1 minute, and it was a light, sweet taste, similar in base profile to Darjeelings and Nepal grown oolong teas I’ve had before from Teabox, although with a heavier floral scent, more body with a bit of malt, a hint of beeswax, and honey-like sweetness to the smell. Second hot steep I left for much longer, maybe three to five minutes. Somewhat less sweet, more malt this round, but a little more of a beeswax taste, still a predominately floral body.

The cold brewed version I made (as recommended to try with this tea on the outer packaging, :P) of this (about 17 g per 2 liters for ~10 hours) was stronger with a hardier, more bitter body (which I thought was actually a good bitter) and low (almost no) sweetness, but had a much deeper flavor, bordering on fruity. Very refreshing. Astringency was somewhere between mild and moderate for the hot steeps, quite low for the cold brew.

Flavors: Flowers, Fruity, Honey, Malt, Perfume, Sweet

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Favorite Tea Type: Darker oolong and sheng puerh

Rating Scale:

90-100: Amazing. Will buy and keep on hand all the time if finances and circumstances allow.

80-89: Strong argument for keeping it around all the time, even more than the prospect of trying more new tea. It’s that good.

70-79: Pretty solid. Glad I tried it, several factors that were unique or that I highly enjoyed.

60-69: Nothing that stands out for the most part, but with a quality or two that speaks to me.

50-59: Fairly run of the mill, pleasant but not much more to be said.

40-49: Something here is off putting in an otherwise decent tea.

30-39: There are a few things wrong with this tea. I did not enjoy.

20-29: Disliked this, could maybe see something, some redeeming quality in it others might find worth drinking without spitting back out.

10-19: Begin to question whether any tea is actually, in fact, better than no tea.

0-9: This causes actual food poisoning.



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