So is it just me or do other people feel like its Christmas when they get a bunch of new teas? Every time I get a few different tea’s I haven’t had the privileged to try yet it makes my day much better. I had been eying up Toasted Marshmallow for quite some time now and I finally bit the bullet and got it.

Dry the leaves have a pleasant allspice aroma, yes those are allspice pieces not chocolate chips, there is no chocolate in this tea! There is also that classic freeze dried mini marshmallow smell. If it had a bit of a Graham cracker aroma I could almost believe it was a s’more. Steeped it has a cinnamon smell to it, the brew is slightly cloudy from the mini marshmallows.

The taste is very sweet, you could compare it roughly with a marshmallow, I have absolutely no toasted flavor. I mean I would spend weeks in the summer camping going through countless bags of marshmallows so I could easily call myself a master of the toasted marshmallow, and while I think this is a delicious tea it is not driving home the toasted marshmallow feel.

This one would certainly make a very delicious latte, I added my normal amount of sugar and to be honest I think it would have been fine without any sugar which is not normal for me! I think I may try and add a pinch of Lapsang Souchong next time I brew a cup, it might give it that smokey flavor to add a bit more to the toasted feel.

Funny enough that even though the flavor wasn’t quite what I was expecting I did gulp down this cup of tea faster then normal, I don’t know if it is a common side effect, but drinking this tea did make me want a s’more…you have been warned!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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Tea, Earl Grey, Hot!

I will attempt to taste and comment on each and every blend offered from DAVIDsTEA and of course anything else that comes across my path.

I only drink tea brewed from loose leaf tea, and tend to sweeten my teas with a teaspoon of raw cane sugar per 8oz of tea and consider a cup either 12oz or 16oz depending on what mug I want to use.

I generally do not put milk in my tea’s; however sometimes I may make a ‘London Fog’ style drink or add milk to herbal infusions to add a bit more creaminess to it.

And I generally enjoy drink a nice hot tea while relaxing listening to some Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd.

I am quite liberal with my Tea ratings, I take the smiley face to heart for judging. If I really like it then it will score a high grade regardless of the brand or if I can keep it in my cupboard or not. But to break it down further a bit more check this out:

0-10 – Wouldn’t drink it if I was dying.
10-20 – Are you sure this didn’t come out of a bag?
20-50 – There is hope for this tea…somewhere but not here
50-60 – Drinkable, but not stockable
60-70 – Ok, were onto something here!
70-80 – Wow you gotta try this
80+ I freaking love it, where can I buy it?


Vancouver, B.C.

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