My one cup of black tea for the day..I keep having it at night too lol, not sure if that’s a good plan, but at least I’m cutting down on caffeine! Although I did have genmaicha this afternoon, which has caffeine, but minor detail lol. This tea called out to me tonight. After an unfortunate incident of our kitty breaking both of my boyfriend’s favorite pieces of teaware (elephant teapot and halloween color changing mug), he ordered I put some of my teas away so we have a place for teaware. This one ended up in the rejects bag, but of course I had to have a craving for it tonight, so I took it out again lol. Oh, and I ordered him a replacement elephant teapot, so we should be good! Bad cat, he was in a bit of trouble for that :( but anyways, this is creamy and delicious tonight. I quite like this EGC, it has a tasty cream note but the black base and bergamot are still a tad stronger. I like it, yes indeed. See previous note!