So I’ve got three green tea-mint blends on hand right now and I’ve decided to do a head to head comparison: Berber by Tay Tea, Moroccan Mint by Teavana, and North African Mint by David’s Tea. One of the few green teas I’d like to keep around would be one with mint, so I’m trying to pick which one. Both Berber and Moroccan mint are just spearmint with gunpowder green tea, while the North African Mint has cardamom, peppermint, ginger, Japanese-style Hojicha green tea, licorice root, fennel, clove, and black pepper. So, it’s not really a valid comparison, but this study doesn’t have to pass peer review so it’s happening :-P.
This one is the most well balanced of the three, so you can taste both the green tea and the mint. This tea doesn’t come off as a toothpaste tea at all. I like the gunpowder because it’s not really vegetal to me and it adds some depth to this blend.
This one wins! I’m surprised since it hails from Teavana, which is not my favorite vendor.
The link to the Berber review:
The link to the North African Mint review: