136 Tasting Notes
Assam, good. Ceylon, good. Assam and Ceylon…goooooooooooooooood. I’ve enjoyed this tea many times since I first purchased it a few weeks ago. The Ceylon makes this one nice and smooth without covering up the strong Assam. This is my first Harney & Sons tea, I’m looking forward to trying more of their black teas.
I had this tea for the first time 12 days ago…and I’ve had a cup every morning since then…so good. It’s so smooth for a strong black tea. I leave the tea bag in the cup while I drink, so it sits there for a good 15-20 minutes, but it’s still powerful enough to get a good second steep! I generally never get a good second steep out of my tea bags. I really have to try more Yunnan black teas…but first, I have a lot of tea to work through…it’s a good problem to have! Happy Wednesday, everyone! :)
A Darjeeling green chai…that’s what I’m talking about! When I had that Tazo chai on Sunday, it made me want to try more chai teas, and I’m glad that I started with this one. The chai spices taste great, but not overpowering, and the light Darjeeling green tea base balances it out nicely. They recommend steeping for 3-4 minutes, but I limited my first steep to 1 minute, and it tasted just right to me. I increased the second steep time to 2 minutes, the third to 3 minutes, and the fourth to 4 minutes, and it worked out very well. I will be buying 100 grams of this soon…well, maybe 200 grams! :P
Butiki Darjeeling Green Day!! I liked this tea when I first tried it last week, but I’d say I love it now. It’s such a nice balance of sweet and vegetal, and very smooth. I’ve felt like I’ve kind of been pulled around a lot today, and enjoying a few cups of this tea has helped to make my afternoon feel nice and calm. Hope everyone else is having a great day with some good tea!
I completely stayed away from chai teas when I first started drinking tea regularly, and incorrectly assumed that I would never like them. I’m visiting family, and they offered this tea to me. It’s pretty good for a bagged tea…decent black tea strength, with nice chai spices. It doesn’t overwhelm you with either…or maybe I’ve just become accustomed to strong Assam teas, haha. I had been thinking about giving chai another shot, and this made me want to look for some good ones. I’ll try some Masala chais, some green chais and maybe a rooibos chai next. I’ve finally realized never to say I don’t like a whole huge group of teas, because I’ll most likely change my mind and love them later. :P
I remember having a Twinings Darjeeling when I was about 20…. I thought I hated darjeeling because of this one tea. lol Silly me. :)
Hahaha, yeah…I’m definitely not closing off my tea options. I’ve gone from sticking to a 2-3 kinds of tea to drinking over 50 different kinds of tea, and growing every day. Love it! :)
It’s so great, isn’t it? I never knew there were all these teas out there to try (or that, like wine, the same leaf can taste drastically different when cultivated in a different location!)… I still have so much to learn! :D
This tea is pleasantly bitter, reminds me a little of a gunpowder green tea, but lighter. This is part of a 10 gram sample in my Teabox Beginner’s Collection, but I can definitely see myself purchasing 100 grams of this in the future. It’s a nice light green tea, wouldn’t mind adding it to the afternoon rotation.
Thank you again to Stacy for adding this sample to my Butiki order! This one is great, as advertised. I’ve never tasted a fruity Assam before. It’s not overly fruity, but that characteristic is very apparent, along with the fact that it is not bitter at all, and a bit lighter than I expected. The Assam maltiness is there, but it’s not as dominant as for Indian Assams…Assam Assams, I guess (:P), and it mixes nicely with the fruitiness of the tea. Overall, a very enjoyable tea.
This is a very interesting green tea! It has hints of sweetness and grassiness that you would expect from a sencha, and I’m not quite sure how to characterize the dominant tone…vegetal, maybe. It’s smooth, and held up well to resteeping. I feel like this is one that will grow on me, and I’ll be having it quite a bit. I’m glad that I bought quite a bit of it since it will no longer be available…I’ll have to make my Butiki tea last!! Thanks, Stacy!
My first Teabox order is heeeeeeere! I’m excited to get into the world of Darjeeling black teas because even though I’ve loved what I’ve tried previously, it’s been limited to 3 bagged Darjeeling teas. I think the complexity of this tea is a little too much for me to describe with my inexperienced palate, but I can say three things: 1) it has a bolder and stronger flavor than any Darjeeling black tea I’ve ever had, and 2) there’s not one hint of bitterness, and 3) it’s damn good. In fact, I’m on the second steep right now, and it’s outstanding…the flavor was a little too much on that first steep. They say to steep for 4-5 minutes, but I think I may limit it to 2-3 next time. Anyway, I bought a lot of this one, and quite a few samples of other Darjeelings, so I’m excited to try some new teas!! Thank you so much to Anlina (sorry, I don’t know how to tag yet, haha) for referring me to Teabox!
Glad you’re enjoying your order :) I usually find I enjoy Darjeelings steeped a little shorter and on the cooler end of their recommended temperature range.
Awesome, thanks! That explains why that second steep was so good! I’m so excited about all the new teas I have to try! I was able to get a couple from Butiki before they closed too! Did you get your $25 when I joined? I wasn’t sure how that part worked.
I did, thank you!
I was really tempted by the Butiki sale, but I managed to resist. A wonderful as everything sounded, I just need to get my cupboard down a bit before I place any more big orders. Also the dollar is terrible, which helped my resolve.
I figured it was a good day to break out a favorite. I like that this tea is sweet, but still has just enough grassiness. I have consumed about half of the 3 ounces I’ve purchased in the last month…I’ll try to stretch the rest out over a longer period of time.