drank Glenburn Estate Green by Butiki Teas
136 tasting notes

Butiki Darjeeling Green Day!! I liked this tea when I first tried it last week, but I’d say I love it now. It’s such a nice balance of sweet and vegetal, and very smooth. I’ve felt like I’ve kind of been pulled around a lot today, and enjoying a few cups of this tea has helped to make my afternoon feel nice and calm. Hope everyone else is having a great day with some good tea!

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I’m a tea novice, and I’m loving my introduction to the World of Tea. I started getting into tea about 4 years ago when I lived in Brooklyn, NY. At first, I stayed with green teas, and took black teas completely for granted. However, in the last couple years I have enthusiastically added them to my daily routine. I love strong Assam black teas in the morning, and Japanese green teas in the afternoon, especially matcha and gyokuro. I have recently become a big fan of Keemuns. I’m looking forward to learning about new teas on this site and talking to other tea lovers!

As far as ratings go, don’t trust me. I’m a high rater, and I’m easily impressed. If I rate a tea lower than 70 (which is going to happen rarely, it seems), I probably will not drink that tea again. I will splurge for some teas at times, but I love a bargain, so you will often see me celebrating under-appreciated everyday teas.


Manchester, CT

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