Just got this from amazon. Hoping for a cheaper/easier-to-brew alternative to my favorite jasmine pearls.
Opening the bag, I got a very strong jasmine smell, which was promising. I was expecting to smell less jasmine. Right away, the tea started turning a deeper yellow than the pearls when I started pouring the water. After two minutes, it’s a strong, bright yellow color. The smell is weird, though. There’s some sort of chemically-ness or sharpness. It kind of reminds me of crayons, weirdly. Like, melted crayons. Maybe candle wax, kind of chemically and burnt. Weirdly heavy and not good. The tea itself is stronger and more bitter than the pearls – a little earthy/grassy. Overall, not an enjoyable experience. My beloved jasmine pearls would never do this to me. Definitely a sign I need to quit dilly-dallying and just order more pearls already!
Update: My girlfriend can’t smell the crayon thing I’m complaining about and says it just smells like green tea, so maybe it’s a personal thing.
Flavors: Bitter, Grass, Jasmine
What a bizarre experience — melted crayons? That sounds awful!
I think that anything bagged won’t fill the loose leaf version of anything. Sorry you have bad experience.