I brewed a cup of this to drink this evening. I now have a total of 4 herbal/rooibos teas to drink in the evenings, Cold 911 from David’s, ClariTea from Whispering Pines, Golden HoneyDew from Lupicia (not tried yet) and this one. I wish I could smell it. One of my favorite treats as a child was Orange Push-Ups. Kind of like Dreamsicles. Anyway, I brewed according to the directions on the package. It brewed up to an attractive, clear amber leaning-to-red color. I waited for it to cool a bit (hate burning my tongue on too-hot tea or anything else) before drinking it. Nice. Pretty smooth, with maybe a teeny bit of astringency. Perhaps from the citric orange? I found it pleasant. Probably not a re-order, but I’ll be happy to drink it from time to time. I may add just a bit of honey the next time I make it.