253 Tasting Notes


I’ve decided that I like this better than Harney and Son’s Peppermint tea.

Boiling 8 min or more

Big fan of Refresh here. I’ve decided it is my go-to mint.


It really is that great. I just wish it wasn’t made by a Starbucks company __


I have a box of this in my cabinet from a white elephant gift exchange at Christmas that I have yet to open. Looks like I need to give it a try!

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Ah, another chapter in my slow and painful journey to sugar-free tea. 1 spoon of sugar instead of two tonight. This will take some getting used to :)

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I think this one takes the award for most boring cup of tea ever. Won’t be making this again.

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I’m not sure if I can really say that I like this.

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drank Peppermint by Harney & Sons
253 tasting notes

New tea, and great experience so far! I love the packaging. I’m thinking up alternative uses for the tin already. Also, the sachet is very smooth feeling and you can tell its good quality. It has the greatest amount of full leaves I’ve ever seen in a tea bag! So I steeped this in 16 ounces, which was recommended on the package, and my first impression was that this was a very beautiful peppermint. The liquid stayed a pretty green color for a very long time before settling into a greenish color color (prettier than it sounds). Drinking it, however, the flavor is not as strong as I would have liked it to be, which is surprising just giving the sheer amount of leaves in the sachet. Anyway, next time less water and more flavor!

Sidenote: Does anyone know why the instructions say to boil water until the pot is hot and then discard the water? o.O

ETA: a later second steep of this tea was a no-go. Very bad :(

Boiling 8 min or more

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This is not a loose leaf, but a tea-dust satchet. My first exposure to lemongrass was Adagio’s Cha Cha herbal tea. I decided to try a tea with lemongrass as the main ingredient. Hmm, not quite as good as it was working with peppermint and chamomile, but not bad.

Boiling 8 min or more

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A very light tasting tea full of vitamin C :)

Boiling 8 min or more

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Not sure if I can taste the rose hips or not, but the cup is pretty good.

Boiling 8 min or more

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Hi, I’m Tyler :) I’m a fashion blogger with quite the tea obsession. I try to keep my caffeine intake next to nothing, so I’m always on the lookout of a new herbal to taste :)

Green Rooibos blends
Fresh spearmint
Floral oolongs
Ripe pu-erh

Licorice Root
Black Tea
Green Tea
Most fruit teas





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