21 Tasting Notes


You can really taste the quality in the tea. It’s cool watching the oolong knots unfold, and it was nice getting a taste of real original tea! Very smooth taste.

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 15 sec 3 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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I really like this. It’s really funny seeing all of Roswell Strange’s tasting notes on all of the teas that I have been trying, but I guess it makes sense since I received it from her/him (?). Anyway, it’s nice, citrisy, and bright. I might hold off on buying this one though until I start bringing in some more money.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec
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OMGsrsly 11 years ago

‘Them’ is the English singular pronoun you’re looking for. :)

Roswell Strange 11 years ago

I like this cold brewed, too. Also, her would be the correct pronoun ;P

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

Haha. Well, yes. But if not known, “them” is a good one to start with. :)

Zach Guillian 11 years ago

Haha you guys. Didn’t even realize you had commented until I checked the steepster app.

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I really enjoyed this blend, I couldn’t taste the vanilla so much, but could definitely feel the creamy. It was a nice black tea blend. I guess I’m going to have to buy some more of this!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec

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drank Birthday Cake by DAVIDsTEA
21 tasting notes

This smells amazing, but doesn’t have quite the amount of flavor that you can smell. It’s a really nice, interesting tea that I received from Roswell Strange and I think I’m going to have to order myself some!

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Made some more of this, but rather than cold steeping it I hot-brewed it for about a minute. You can really taste the difference in the cold and hot water. In the hot water, you get a creamier but dryer sort of feeling, while cold brewing brings out a more wet, grassy, hydrating taste. I think I prefer the cold brew style better though.

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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To be 100%. I think this tea is only good for bathing in, and not for drinking. However I did quite enjoy my tea bath the other day. My skin actually did feel a little softer after.

8 min or more
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Kirkoneill1988 11 years ago

tea bath :D ha ha! good one :)

Kirkoneill1988 11 years ago

or can you actually do that? :O

Zach Guillian 11 years ago

Nono, it’s actually a thing

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This is really easy to over-steap, I was making more iced tea the other day and I decided to hot-brew it and when I brewed it for the suggested time it tasted… gross… I’m trying again but only for about 1.5 minutes.

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 30 sec

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