Tazo Rest Herbal Infusion

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Flower Petals, Geranium Oil, Ginger, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Lemon Verbena, Licorice Root, Orange Oil, Rose Petals, Valerian Root
Sold in
Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Not available
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 45 sec 3 g 12 oz / 355 ml

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From Tazo

A Lulling Blend of Rose Petals, Valerian Root & Citrusy Herbs. A wise man once said, “To be still sometimes requires great effort.” For a path of less resistance, unwind with a well-steeped cup of Tazo Rest. Fragrant rose petals and lavender mingle with calming lemon balm, lemon myrtle and soothing valerian in a delicate, aromatic blend to which eyelids willingly succumb. Did You Know? There were many discoverers of the resting effects ofRead more

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50 Tasting Notes

1737 tasting notes

Do I really love Tazo Rest more than Pukka Love? It probably depends on my mood. This blend is much sweeter and exceptionally (for nighttime brews) contains zero chamomile, zero mint, zero rooibos, zero hibiscus, and zero lemon grass!

This is really a very original tisane, and I am sorry to say that this appears to have been my last bag. All the more since the demise of Tazo appears to be imminent. Even if they keep some of the white envelope filter bags in grocery stores, the Tazo Collection of loose leaf teas is no longer available anywhere, and I learned today that even the sachets in Starbucks stores are being taken away! This is a mild cause for mourning. (Il ne faut pas trop exagérer…)

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MzPriss 11 years ago

Tazo is dying?

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

Probably cuz Starbucks bought Teavana…

carol who 11 years ago

Wow! I don’t drink a lot of Tazo but I’m always sad to see a possibility like that taken away… especially being replaced by Teavana.

sherapop 11 years ago

Yes, I am afraid that Teavana won the battle, which is sad because Tazo tea is better, imnsho. They had a fine selection of looseleaf single origin teas. Oh well, that’s corporatization for you!

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1719 tasting notes

Tazo – why? Why would you bag this stuff? I don’t care the other reviewers apparently liked this, it is just gross. It smells like perfumey rose powder or toilet water.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
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gmathis 13 years ago

Sounds like something to bathe in.

Joshua Smith 13 years ago

I agree with @gmathis, this sound great for a relaxing bath. Perhaps if you bought a whole box of this, you should throw them in your bath tub to relieve some stress with a scented bath. It certainly seems like a better experiment than trying to brew it as tea again…

Bonnie 13 years ago

Yep, mix with some bath salts and give to a mom for Mothers Day!

K S 13 years ago

This stuff actually didn’t taste all that bad. I just can’t stand the smell, so I can’t imagine bathing in it. I also can’t imagine drinking it again. My wife’s stash is safe another day.

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253 tasting notes

Ahhh. This tea hits the spot every time :)

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110 tasting notes

This is a new herbal tea from Tazo. I found it in, of all places, my local grocery store, which only carries teabags. I’d love to find it in whole leaf, because this is a delighful herb tea.

The odor when the bag is opened is overpowering and sickly sweet – roses on steroids. The tea when brewed is much mellower – the rose is still present, but I get lots of citrus notes, and a mild sweetness. This tea is made with honeybush, so it seemed unlikely that it would need sweetening, and it does not. A very pleasant cup for evening, or for when your life needs a little more rosiness.

Tazo has its generic brewing instructions on back – 5 minutes in water at boiling temp. It might be worth experimenting with a lower temperature, especially as this is bagged tea and should extract fairly easily.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
Meghann M 15 years ago

I’ve seen this at my local grocery store and have been curious about it. Glad to see your tasting was positive, I may have to pick some up!

tuiti2 15 years ago

I too just found this at local grocery,, intrigued by the description.. have not tried it yet,, just bought it tonite.. it sounds interesting though.

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358 tasting notes

I’m not sure what made me reach for this tea tonight, probably that it was at the front of my cupboard honestly. And I figured that with a crazy past couple of days I could use a ‘lulling’ cup of tea. I like this one, it’s not a bad tea, just a little too much ‘herby’ taste. It does have a nice floral note to it, of rose and lavender. It also gives me that nice warm feeling inside, which must be from the licorice.

-Standard teabag.
-Teabag smells sharply of lemon and orange with spicy licorice. Tea liquor aroma is floral with rose and lavender noticeable.
-Tea liquor is a thick golden yellow color.
-Light floral herb and licorice flavor with a soft citrusy finish.
-Best with sweetener.
-Good tea. Soothing cup with a warming feeling. Herb aftertaste.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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541 tasting notes

Tazo and I have had a pretty shaky relationship in the past. I really love the chai latte, matcha latte, and the brambleberry iced tea. Their bagged teas have been quite a miss on me. I think I would have liked the earl grey; if I liked earl grey at all! So I have been wanting a nice bunch of herbal teas. I have been liking floral flavors more recently so when I saw this on sale I grabbed it.
The tea bag smell is STRONG. It punches you in the face and doesn’t ask twice about who it’s targeting. The steeped tea is much lighter and has more of a lemon tint to it. mmmm
I finally got to take a sip and you know what? Not too bad. I don’t think this could possibly be an every day tea for me. But for a late night soother it might just do the trick. Or you could do what I’m tempted to and stick it in the bath! :p lol
I just realized what this would be good for! A palate cleanser. It really hits the high parts of the palate and it doesn’t linger too long. It also just has that “clean” type of taste. Very interesting.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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122 tasting notes

I enjoy this blend. The rose is dominant, which I absolutely love. Rose is a relaxing scent to me. It doesn’t make me as tired as, say, a sleeptime extra or a yogi bedtime blend, but it is a resftul and relaxing cuppa. I can’t taste the licorice at all, which I say with joy!

You should try this tea.

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248 tasting notes

This smells horrible, BUT it tastes okay and knocked me out last night so it did it’s job. Definitely wouldn’t drink this just to enjoy it. I’ll finish up the box but then I’m off to find a more tasty tea with valerian.

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11 tasting notes

This is like drinking a bouquet of sugared flowers! I absolutely love this tea! I have to make sure to always have some in my stash! It’s definitely a cup of heaven! Sometimes I have trouble sleeping at night and this relaxes me so much! I would definitely recommend this to anyone that has trouble relaxing at night or in general. :)

5 min, 0 sec

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21 tasting notes

A floral, earthy bouquet of goodness! I picked this tea up when my sister-in-law and I were doing a stay-at-home tea room day on a budget. She had mentioned a great rose tea that she has had at a hookah bar she likes, so when I saw this at Kroger I jumped. I have always been a fan of Tazo, so this was a really pleasant find! I was honestly surprised that a tea with rose petals as a main ingredient would be so good. I was afraid it would taste like soap, but with the other ingredients it was great. I was also excited for the potential mental/emotional/physical benefits given the presence of the valerian root which is often used for aiding sleep and easing anxiety (something I can also use).

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