Ah, the joys of drinking furniture polish! Okay, I’m kidding. A little bit. But show me someone that doesn’t think of Pledge when smelling this and I’ll show you someone that needs to dust more.
I’ve never had Lemongrass straight before, but now thanks to TeaEqualsBliss’s generosity, I can! I thought today was a good day for it since I seem to be fighting off a cold or some other illness most likely related to getting caught in the rain yesterday. Herbals always throw me off since I measure my tea by weight but I’m never sure how much of non-tea leaf to use. A lot of times I’ll use the same .5g/1oz ratio I use for greens and oolongs but if I did that for this, I’d probably be using way too much lemongrass since this is some pretty light stuff. So I did a generous heaping teaspoon for my 10oz then rounded that amount up to an even 2g.
The smell definitely makes me think of Pledge (though perhaps you wouldn’t assume that I could make such an association, given how dusty my house is). But it smells like a tasty, sophisticated version of Pledge. Lemon-fresh without the chemical foam. The taste, thankfully, is not like Pledge. It’s darker and a little grassy with a bright citrus sparkle that makes it feel clean and refreshing and reminds me more of lemon rind than lemon juice. It’s sweet and thankfully not tart or astringent. Just really tasty. And it’s kind of making me feel like my sinuses have been given a light dusting.
This is by far the tastiest furniture polish I’ve ever had the pleasure to sip. Thanks TeaEqualsBliss!
ETA: The second steep (7:00) has more lemon flavor but also more grass flavor, making this almost like a very strongly flavored green tea.