drank Jin Guanyin by Verdant Tea
676 tasting notes


This one had characteristics of a milk oolong and a TGY. Lots of cream, dairy, and orchid like flavors. Thick mouthfeel and a very milky texture. There was a slight staleness to it but that didn’t detract from the flavor.

I steeped 3.5g in a 80ml gaiwan for 10s and then added 2s to subsequent steeps per Verdant’s instructions. The dry leaf smelled like cream, with some floral aromas similar with TGY. I detected hints of orchid, iris, and what seemed like lavender. Wet leaf had more of a vegetal aroma.

The tea starts of TGY like and then shifts to buttercream with vegetal tones. Mouthfeel is thick and creamy. By the 3rd steep settles into a milk oolong like taste.

Despite being a little stale, this tea was able to show a lot of natural milkiness and had a nice creamy taste and texture. Personally I thought this tea was kinda boring. I got tired of it after a handful of steeps due to the lack of flavor evolution in taste.

Flavors: Cream, Flowers, Milk

Iced 0 min, 15 sec 3 g 0 OZ / 0 ML

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My Rating Criteria:

95 to 100: Top shelf stuff. Loved this tea and highly recommend it

90 to 94: Excellent. Enjoyed this tea and would likely repurchase

80 to 89: Good but not great. I liked it though it may be lacking in some aspects. I’ll finish it but probably won’t buy again

70 to 79: Average at best. Not terrible but wouldn’t willingly drink again

60 to 69: Sub-par. Low quality tea, barely palatable

59 and below: Bleh

Fell into tea many years ago and for a long time my experience was limited to Japanese greens and flavored Teavana teas. My tea epiphany happened when I discovered jade oolongs. That was my gateway drug to the world of high quality tea and teaware.

For the most part, I drink straight tea but do appreciate a good flavored tea on occasion. I love fresh green and floral flavors and as such, green tea and Taiwanese oolongs will always have a place in my cupboard. After avoiding black tea forever, Chinese blacks have started to grow on me. I’m less enthusiastic about puerh though. I also enjoy white tea and tisanes but reach for them less frequently.

Other non-tea interests include: cooking, reading, nature, philosophy, MMA, traveling when I can, and of course putzing around on the interwebs.

IG: https://www.instagram.com/melucky


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