drank Rooibos Tropica by Teavana
5 tasting notes
Anthony Bazic 13 years ago

I certainly love this rooibos and its pretty balanced being a fruity and tangy tea. A must for anyone buying in teavana!

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Anthony Bazic 13 years ago

I certainly love this rooibos and its pretty balanced being a fruity and tangy tea. A must for anyone buying in teavana!

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I’ve always liked tea, but now I LOVE it! I’ve discovered Teavana, which I like a lot. Then I started reading and learning about different kinds of teas and how to steep them. I’m also continuing to learn about the health properties of tea. I love to meet other tea enthusiasts and fans. I am new to Steepster, and I cannot wait to learn more about this great community!
I like Rooibos, herbal, white, and green teas. I like black tea (but needs to be decaf). I think blooming teas are very pretty. And I like the tea accessories/“gadgets”! I prefer my tea to be sweetened, but of course enjoy unsweetened teas too.
I’ve never been to an official tea “house” or “room” before, so I’m definitely looking to explore new tea places.
I’m from New England, born and raised. I love crafty things (and hungry to learn more techniques!), especially jewelry making. I’m working towards becoming an American Sign Language interpreter. I love meeting new people and making new friends. I like to explore new places and to travel (when I can). I’m always up for a good board game or game of Words With Friends or Scrabble.


Brookline, MA

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