415 Tasting Notes
One of the 24 days of teas I didn’t try on time. I technically can’t have black tea but I’m having a few gulps of this to try it out.
Yep, cardamom French toast indeed! Dunno how they captured the flavor of French toast, but it’s nice :). wish I could actually drink black tea so I could enjoy this more often :/. Oh well, I have lots of tea to use up.
Flavors: Cardamom, Spices, Toast
Yet another tea from the husband for Christmas :)
Reminds me of Dandelion Root tea from here, except more floral. The other taste is grassy/herbaceous. Very nice and relaxing.
Flavors: Floral, Grass, Herbaceous
So I kind of fell off my map with the last few days of the 24 days of tea. Once 2 of my jobs were done I stopped keeping up with logging. Sorry about that.
Anywho, I was skeptical of this tea from the begging. Reason why: DAVIDs had a “gingerbread” tea before that tasted only like rooibos to me. As for this tea? Yep, woody rooibos with a SLIGHT hint of sweetness from the white chocolate chips. Glad it was just a sample.
Flavors: Rooibos, Wood
It’s been a very long time since I’ve had this tea. I used my frequent steeper points to pick up 50g :)
I’m sorry to say, but this one did not wow me. It did not have the grassy taste of Japanese sencha I like, nor the “buttery” taste it proclaims it has (gyokuro is much better for only a few dollars more). It’s just a mild green tea that is prone to bitterness if too high of a temperature is used. This is supposed to be a premium tea so I feel bad for not finding it better.
Another Christmas gift tea!
This one is quite refreshing. Slightly floral (not nearly as much as chamomile, for example). Very herbaceous. Reminds me of echinacea without being so medicinal or drying. Quite nice. I think this would go well with lemongrass or lemon myrtle.
Flavors: Floral, Herbaceous
Despite not being huge on licorice teas, I did want to try this tea since it’s a new “wellness” herbal (which I’m glad DAVIDs is doing more of- at least for the time being). I picked up 8grams, and it was alright. The licorice is absolutely there, but not repulsively so, and I am getting the fennel taste too. Still though, I only do licorice teas during colds for sore throats. Will not be picking up more of this one.
Flavors: Anise, Fennel, Licorice
Last one for the feel good collection. This one I also liked: a not-too-fruity base with ginger and herb (that must be the moringa). I used it up quickly being a herbal. I’m considering picking up more of this, although with my frequent steeper points I just got 50g free of ginger beer which this tea reminds me of (instead of peach, apple, but the prominent ginger taste is the same). I will have to see!
Flavors: Fruity, Ginger
Another from the Feel-good collection. This is the only one I didn’t like (glad I only picked up 8g of each!). The initial taste is alright but the aftertaste of the stevia make it seem almost artificial. I drank it hot, mind you, but I had to force it down. In order to use up the last little bit, I will drink down some of the blueberry iced tea in my fridge and pour in a mug of this. It should pair well together and the stevia will be masked.
Flavors: Artificial, Fruity, Sweet
Another from the Feel-good collection. Nice lemony taste without being acidic. As mentioned though, I will not restock since I’m not stocking up on caffeine teas at the moment since I have plenty.
Flavors: Lemon