The dry leaf looks like tiny grass clippings. Faint grassy aroma. Steeped 1 ½ tsp for 1 ½ minutes at about 180d. The liquor is clear with a faint green tint. The leaf unfolded to reveal shredded pieces. The wet leaf smells like stew beef, it’s making me hungry. Poured into the cup this takes on a faint grassy aroma.
The sip is vegetal – like broccoli and spinach maybe, becoming grassier as it cools, but never a heavy grassiness. There is the tiniest bit of bitterness. The aftertaste has some fruitiness in it. Cups 2 and 3 were equally tasty.
If green is your thing, this is an easy one to love. Interesting, complex, and you don’t have to work at enjoying it. A wonderful tea. Thank you TeaEqualsBliss for sharing this one. It is a winner.