Hm… I don’t know why I didn’t like this the first time. You know how when you have a bad tea experience, it can turn you off all types of that tea for a while? I think it had to do with a matcha that had recently made me very, very sick, and I was not really up for any green-looking teas at the time. I do remember it making me a bit sick before, but it didn’t this time. Tonight I was careful to drink it with food. It’s probably lost some flavor because I’ve had it for a while now (and I purchased it on clearance at the time), but it’s a really good tea. Buttery, sweet, floral, a little bit nutty. No big caffeine jolt or harsh flavors at night before bed. No astringency at all — just a perfectly pleasant, light tea.
Flavors: Butter, Floral, Nutty, Sweet