Thanks to Indigobloom for this sample!
I had a pretty rough/emotional evening yesterday, which turned into some depressing nightmares, which is what I’ve been left with this morning. :( Nothing like starting off the day with some heartache, and feeling helpless that there’s nothing I can do to change things. Anyhow, I opted to brew up some samples that I’ve had for ages, in a (probably futile) attempt to make myself feel better.
This one made the cut, as I was looking for something a bit heavier this morning. Brewed up, it smells much more reminiscent of ETS’ Scottish Caramel Toffee Pu’erh, or whatever it is called, than the DavidsTea version of a chocolate orange pu’erh. So basically, I’m detecting delicious caramelly flavours, and really no orange whatsoever. On the sip, I’m pretty much getting the same. Caramelly yum, and maybe just the barest hint of orange. Strangely, I’m not really getting chocolate here either. I could probably be convinced that someone swapped my sample for the Scottish Caramel Toffee Pu’erh, actually (except that there were clearly orange pieces in my baggie!)
So in the end, this tea loses major points for not being chocolatey OR orangey…. however I am very much enjoying my cup of it in spite of that. Since a) this tea is unavailable now anyhow, and b) I tend to rate teas more heavily weighted on flavour than how true the flavour is to the name, I’m going to ignore entirely that fact and rate it high, because it’s very yum.
Also, I should note that I used about 2.5 tsp in my mug (~10-12oz.) to compensate for tea age. I suspect this will re-steep decently, so will probably throw the remaining 1/2-1 tsp of tea into the infuser for the re-steep to use it up. Not that I’m anxious to get rid of it, just…. sipdown! :D
ETA: Re-steep, 4 min at boiling, using the extra leaf, actually has some orange flavour! Shocking :P Still caramelly but less so, and still not getting chocolate. I’m getting a bit of the throat-scratchy feeling now that I get with the DavidsTea version… still can’t figure out what the deal with that is, since I’m pretty sure it doesn’t happen to me with other pu’erhs, but it does happen with rooibos, yet not honeybush. Hrrrrrm.
Thanks Sil :) Trying to arrange to talk to a couple people; hopefully I can manage to sometime in the next few days. Sigh!
booo. I hope you’re feeling better. If you ever need to chat you know how/where to find me.
Thanks Sil :) Trying to arrange to talk to a couple people; hopefully I can manage to sometime in the next few days. Sigh!
big hugs anything I can do to help? I hope this cuppa makes you feel a little better! :(