Of course it’s the case that this tea is no longer available and I made the creamiest, most delicious cup of it I’ve pretty much ever had. It was a most delightful cup of creamed white chocolate and peppermint milk. I still have the rest of the tin to get through, and it’s not a tea I reach for as often as I should given how much I like it when I do have it, but still: there’s something about approaching an eventual sip down knowing that you perhaps won’t be able to restock this tea again. ever.
In other news, Mr. Keychange and I, along with a few family members, went and looked at wedding venues today! I intended on drinking much more tea than I did, but that’s also because I woke up like twenty minutes before our wedding planner arrived to whisk us off. But we’ve chosen our venue, and have reserved a date! so so excited!
Oh, and i’m a complete tool and sent sil the timolino without the steeping basket in it! the poor girl was ridiculously polite and didn’t even say anything about it, when all at once it struck me last night while I was in bed. Definitely an ‘oh shit’ moment. Anyway, rectifying that one, obviously. LOL
So excited for you having secured a venue. We’re still trying to decide if we even want to do much of anything. I’m sort of a let’s go to city hall and then make everyone come bowling with us for the afternoon sort of thing lol
Thanks guys!
Memily, this is fantastic with milk! I steep for about ive minutes (anything longer and a bitter note creeps in) with a generous helping of milk and sugar. So much nom in one cup!
Yeah sil, it can be hard to decide on what to do. weddings are so insanely expensive and can easily ge tout of control. Bowling and city hall sound much less high-maintenance though, and you seem like a fairly low-maintenance kind of person.
keychange, yay! finding a venue and setting a date makes things so much more real.
Sil, city hall and bowling sounds like a great way to go.
Both of those said, this tea sound delicious.
This tea is wonderful! and yes, weddings in general are so so exciting! It really does feel so much more real now.
sometimes i wonder if we’ll regret going with a more low key thing, especially given that our friends are all sort of doing the bigger thing…but hey..i figure if we do…then we have a 10 year vow renewal with our dog?kid(s)? money from careers that are doing well….lol something like that…
This tea sounds delicious!
And congratulations! That’s one thing that is a big relief to get checked off the list!
My husband loved the whole big wedding planning and organizing, I did not! We compromised though. We had about fifty people and reserved a room for private dining.
It was perfect for us and I think that’s the most important thing. Finding something that matches you guys as a couple.
Sil, everyone I’ve talked to who did the huge wedding has said they wish they did something more intimate. Again, it comes down to the couple. Like you said though, there’s always a vow renewal option!
Cheri, that’s lovely that you still dream about your wedding. And sil, it’s hard to say what we’ll regret later, but like you said, there are so many opportunities to celebrate your relationship. Or maybe you guys could do something a bit more formal but not overly grand?
Ian wants to make everyone go to chicago to have our reception in the museum so we can sleep with the dinosaurs lol
We did relatively low key for ours. We had the city hall (Husband blankly refused a church ceremony and I was fine with that as none of us are religious people) at about 11 o’clock, then photos, and then a lunch buffet at a restaurant. No dancing, as again, none of us are really dance-y people much, so we skipped that. We had nearest English family come over and then a second do (a good meal, but again, no dancing) in England with the rest of English family a couple of weeks later. It sounds bigger than it was. I know it wasn’t the most expensive part by far, but I still feel like the biggest splurge was the hotel suite in town for the wedding night. I don’t know what that cost, but I know it was a lot, because Husband told me not to stand too near while he paid, because he thought I probably didn’t want to know. :p
For something relatively formal but not HUGE, I can recommend the lunch buffet approach at a good restaurant. Everybody had far more than they could eat, there was a lovely cake and once we had organised it with the restaurant we chose, we didn’t have to do anything other than show up, since we decided against table plans and that sort of thing. Some of the guests found that odd, but I quite enjoyed that people could pick their own seat at both dos. At the second we encouraged people to find a new seat for the dessert so they could sit with some other people, but that wasn’t mandatory.
Yay! That’s awesome!
Thanks! I’m getting so excited.
Ooh, would you recommend milk with this? How do you steep yours?
Yeah! Congrats on finding a venue! Sounds like a great tea on a great day :)
Congratulations on the venue! So exciting!
So excited for you having secured a venue. We’re still trying to decide if we even want to do much of anything. I’m sort of a let’s go to city hall and then make everyone come bowling with us for the afternoon sort of thing lol
Thanks guys!
Memily, this is fantastic with milk! I steep for about ive minutes (anything longer and a bitter note creeps in) with a generous helping of milk and sugar. So much nom in one cup!
Yeah sil, it can be hard to decide on what to do. weddings are so insanely expensive and can easily ge tout of control. Bowling and city hall sound much less high-maintenance though, and you seem like a fairly low-maintenance kind of person.
keychange, yay! finding a venue and setting a date makes things so much more real.
Sil, city hall and bowling sounds like a great way to go.
Both of those said, this tea sound delicious.
This tea is wonderful! and yes, weddings in general are so so exciting! It really does feel so much more real now.
It’s been almost 12 years since mine, and I still dream about it. <3
sometimes i wonder if we’ll regret going with a more low key thing, especially given that our friends are all sort of doing the bigger thing…but hey..i figure if we do…then we have a 10 year vow renewal with our dog?kid(s)? money from careers that are doing well….lol something like that…
This tea sounds delicious!
And congratulations! That’s one thing that is a big relief to get checked off the list!
My husband loved the whole big wedding planning and organizing, I did not! We compromised though. We had about fifty people and reserved a room for private dining.
It was perfect for us and I think that’s the most important thing. Finding something that matches you guys as a couple.
Sil, everyone I’ve talked to who did the huge wedding has said they wish they did something more intimate. Again, it comes down to the couple. Like you said though, there’s always a vow renewal option!
Cheri, that’s lovely that you still dream about your wedding. And sil, it’s hard to say what we’ll regret later, but like you said, there are so many opportunities to celebrate your relationship. Or maybe you guys could do something a bit more formal but not overly grand?
Ian wants to make everyone go to chicago to have our reception in the museum so we can sleep with the dinosaurs lol
Sounds fine to me. Plus then you can go to adagio and other assorted tea stores!
We did relatively low key for ours. We had the city hall (Husband blankly refused a church ceremony and I was fine with that as none of us are religious people) at about 11 o’clock, then photos, and then a lunch buffet at a restaurant. No dancing, as again, none of us are really dance-y people much, so we skipped that. We had nearest English family come over and then a second do (a good meal, but again, no dancing) in England with the rest of English family a couple of weeks later. It sounds bigger than it was. I know it wasn’t the most expensive part by far, but I still feel like the biggest splurge was the hotel suite in town for the wedding night. I don’t know what that cost, but I know it was a lot, because Husband told me not to stand too near while he paid, because he thought I probably didn’t want to know. :p
For something relatively formal but not HUGE, I can recommend the lunch buffet approach at a good restaurant. Everybody had far more than they could eat, there was a lovely cake and once we had organised it with the restaurant we chose, we didn’t have to do anything other than show up, since we decided against table plans and that sort of thing. Some of the guests found that odd, but I quite enjoyed that people could pick their own seat at both dos. At the second we encouraged people to find a new seat for the dessert so they could sit with some other people, but that wasn’t mandatory.
Sil, that sounds awesome! :)