drank Rosé Royal by Lupicia
57 tasting notes

I’m terribly hungover from New Years festivities so naturally turned to a tea sample that I knew would taste the closest to a fruity wine. I’m a glutton for punishment. I was lying down while drinking this (may or may not affect the taste/my general authority). The predominant flavors are grape and strawberry. Super smooth and flavorful. Would recommend for those looking to purge their bodies of the sins from nights past.

200 °F / 93 °C

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I’m a student living in Chicago. Tea is how I wake up + relax.

Here’s a brief guide to my rating scale:
1-30: nopenopenopenope!
30-50: I don’t hate it? But it’s bad.
50-60: Strict indifference.
60-70: I liked it, but I probably won’t repurchase.
70-90: Love it. I want this in on my shelf 24/7.
90-100: I will huff the tin of this and covet every last drop.



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