59 Tasting Notes

drank Raspberry Mojito by DAVIDsTEA
59 tasting notes

This one is strange. I cold steeped it over night. I think I might need to water it down. It sort of bothers me that it’s “Mojito” and yet contains no mint. Hmph. When I sip it the initial taste in my mouth is good. It’s sweet and refreshing but then there’s this terrible after taste. It took me a few sips to identify it. It reminded me of when you drink juice after brushing your teeth.

3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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I just crawled out of bed to be for work at 4am. I had cold brewed this over night and grabbed it on my way out the door.
Holy heck – this is being dumped. The flavour is a sharp ginger and grapefruit but more like the bitter rind than the actual fruit. There’s something else in there that I can’t put my finger on. It tastes sickly in my mouth and not at all refreshing. My stomach already feels off from getting up so early, otherwise I’d test another swig to try to figure it out.

Oh well – I’m shivering from lack of sleep so I think I’d do better with a cup of hot earl grey anyway.

Flavors: Bitter, Ginger, Grapefruit

8 min or more 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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I picked this tea up in store this week – after fighting with Davidstea customer service about their online sale. (Total false advertising IMO)
It smelled weird, but I love creme brulee so I was like yeah, sure. I asked for 30g and the girl did the ol’ “Ooops I poured too much! Is 45g ok?” I’m sorry, did I accidentally walk into Teavana? Because they pull that all the time, this is the first time I’ve had it happen at Davids. And she did it with all 7 teas I bought. Seriously, Davidstea is not in my good books right now. (I also opened a pack of tea bags the other day, and half of them were not sealed on the bottom, which I only noticed when I dropped in the tea and it spilled out all of the floor)

I actually totally forgot about it, until I opened my tea cupboard this morning. It’s a very clumpy tea. One of those where it’s nearly impossible to accurately scoop it because just a few big chunks will fill your spoon.

I steeped at 85 degrees. I didn’t want to scorch the green tea in at, but then I started to wonder if that’s hot enough to get a good flavour out of the other ingredients.

First sip was very WTF. I needed a few sips to decipher the flavour. I definitely got a sense of burnt sugar – I could really smell this too. Similar to the flavour in genmaicha. Then there was a bit of jasmine, and some sweet and a little bit creamy. The more I drank it the more I was like DAMN GIRL WHERE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE. Though, I do think I made it a bit weak. Next time I’ll add more tea.

Flavors: Burnt, Cream, Jasmine

1 tsp

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drank English Toffee by DAVIDsTEA
59 tasting notes

Last night I jump started my spring cleaning by going through my teas. Truth be told, in going through my collection I found 4 separate bags of Snow Day. I feel like I should get working on using it up, but my taste buds are like NOPE. I drink my teas without milk or sugar, and I’m getting really sick of teas that are sickly sweet right from the teapot. It’s 6am so I’m especially not thrilled at the idea of an uber sweet tea right now. Anyway, I found half a tin of English Toffee still tucked inside my advent calendar. I vaguely remember not hating it, and maybe even enjoying it the first time around. I opened it up and sniffed – smooth and sweet without being sickly sweet, and a hint of chocolate. Let’s steep that up!

While English toffee does contain tiny bits of caramel, it’s just nice and subtle. I feel like the cocoa and caramel are in perfect harmony to prevent this from being too bitter or too sweet. It’s the first thing I’ve consumed today and I’m thoroughly enjoying it. I’m shocked that I can barely remember drinking it the first time. Davids is having a big sale right now, and I’m even considering ordering the 100g tin.

Now I’m thinking how delicious this would be paired with scones and jam!! MMM!

Flavors: Caramel, Chocolate

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drank Carrot Cupcake by DAVIDsTEA
59 tasting notes

I opened the bag, and sniffed. Wasn’t in love with the smell. I then dumped a perfect spoonful into a Davids tea bag. Oh look! My teabag is defective and the tea is now ALL over the floor :D
I should have taken this as a sign. I brewed it. Took one sip – terrible. I tried again. Sometimes it takes me a minute to warm up to a tea. Nope. Life’s too short to waste precious time on sub-par tea. Down the sink it went.

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drank Lemon Pound Cake by DAVIDsTEA
59 tasting notes

I can’t figure this one out. Maybe I got a bad batch? Everyone is raving about it. The kid behind the counter assured me it tastes JUST like lemon pound cake. I love oolongs. I love citrus. It smells like pure bliss. How could this go wrong?!?

Well it did and has. I’ve made it 3 times since purchasing and every time it’s been bitter and I have definitely not gotten the lovely lemony flavour it smells like it should have. Is everyone else drinking this with milk and sweetener? Is that the secret to making it taste good? I nearly always drink my teas black.

I own a variable temp kettle, so I know I’m steeping at an appropriate temperature for oolong. I’m also cautious about steeping time. I measure my tea and water every time.

I’m going to give this one more shot tomorrow morning. I’m going to do a minimal steep, and add soy milk and agave and hope for the best. If it still doesn’t taste good, then I’m going to give up and retiring this tea to the garbage.

Flavors: Bitter

Evol Ving Ness 8 years ago

Use half the amount of leaf that you would for black tea.

Jessimicka 8 years ago

Thank you Evol! I give it ONE MORE try this morning with your recommendation. It made it palatable, but I still don’t think it’s as great as everyone else is saying :(

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drank Honey Lullaby by DAVIDsTEA
59 tasting notes

Are you Italian? If so, open a bag of this tea and breath deep. Does it smell familiar to you? Maybe like a certain Italian sweet treat. It sure did to me! I sniffed it and thought for a minute …“AH TORRONE!”
I’m a sucker for good marketing. If they had called this torrone tea, I would have bought it by the bucket. Maybe I’ll make my own label and stick it over top :)

Definitely a welcome addition to my bed time tea collection!

Flavors: Honey

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drank Vanilla Swirl by DAVIDsTEA
59 tasting notes

I had this as a tea of the day while I was at the store today. I went to pick up the newest Davidsteas – but something that struck me as odd about this one was that it’s called VANILLA swirl but it contains lemongrass and pineapple!
I felt bad for the kid working the counter, I’m like BUT HOW CAN IT BE VANILLA WITH LEMONGRASS AND PINEAPPLE?!? Sorry dude, I’m one of those tea nutjobs your coworkers have probably warned you about.
It certainly didn’t smell like vanilla – it smelled like lemon. Colour me shocked.

Now, it was yummy. It was creamy and light…and LEMON. Actually, if we could just call this a lemon tea I’d be like that tea is delicious…but let’s stop calling it vanilla, ok?

Eventually this will go on clearance, and I’ll pick some up.

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This is the tea I’ve been waiting for! Last year I realized I love florals. I have some excellent floral teas in my collection, but none that are rose flavoured – or at least to my liking. But O-M-G, void filled!

This has the perfect rosey flavour to it. Absolutely perfect. It’s not too strong or too weak. It’s just a soft rose flavour that mixes well with the black tea. The white chocolate does not stick out to me. It just adds a pleasant sweet creaminess to it. I always drink my tea black, so it makes this one feel indulgent.

Flavors: Cream, Rose

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Tea literally gets me through the day. I start with something caffeinated in the morning, then usually a re-steep or less caffeinated tea mid morning and work my way to a herbal by night.

Green tea and oolong are top in my books. I recently discovered that I LOVE genmaicha – but I get why it’s not for everyone. My favourite flavours right now are lime, lavender and mint. I tend to dislike teas that have raisins or hibiscus, and I’m not fond of weak fruit infusions.

A lot of my teas come from Davidstea. I also have some Teavana and Tealish. When I can, I try to pick up unique teas. My most prized tea is a tea from Ste Anne’s Spa in Grafton, Ont called Cinnamon Glow.


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