So I’ve been in a tea frenzy lately, trying my best to drink down ALL THE TEA so that I can finally order more. Only, I have SO much that each cuppa drunk depletes the motherload by so little that I feel like a fish trying to drain a river. Someone throw me a life jacket!
and I can’t exactly swap it away because then I’d feel guilty donating old tea!
Anyhow, I had totally forgotten that this was still in my cupboard! wow. Funny what organizing the cupboard does for a tea freak :P
It’s not as fresh now, (obviously) so the “pop” factor is a tad muted. Still a great tea. I’d rate it an 88 the way it is now. Not that much lower than my original 92!


I undserstand the feeling… I just got out a bunch of my old tea and gave them away. I couldn’t bare the idea of the tea going to waste. I actually had to throw away some of the oldest tea… It was sooooo hard. But, on a positive note, now I get to buy more! : )


Make foot tea! :D


Ninavampi: It IS hard!!
Actually, I tried some of my old Milima FOP just prior to this Darjeeling and it was so meh that I have no problem throwing it out.
I think I just need a few hrs to sort through it all!
Ashmanra: yummmm, foot tea haha :P

Dylan Oxford

Hahaha, we have a big plastic jar that we put all of our foot tea in! We’ve gotten a little more sensible about our buying choices though, so it’s not growing as much lately :P


that’s a good idea. trick is to stay on top of it. I suppose it helps having two tea lovers in the house! :)


Ha! Good luck!


thx I need it!! LOL
Seriously contemplating a red leaf order now. I want more matcha!!


all you H-biskus haters should have a jar for throwing the bad boys in. Then later, when brewed and cooled they make a good hair rinse or skin spritzer because the H-biskus (you know what I mean) has loads of vitamin C. Add some White Tea and you have an anti-bacterial too.


what an interesting idea Bonnie. Thanks!!

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I undserstand the feeling… I just got out a bunch of my old tea and gave them away. I couldn’t bare the idea of the tea going to waste. I actually had to throw away some of the oldest tea… It was sooooo hard. But, on a positive note, now I get to buy more! : )


Make foot tea! :D


Ninavampi: It IS hard!!
Actually, I tried some of my old Milima FOP just prior to this Darjeeling and it was so meh that I have no problem throwing it out.
I think I just need a few hrs to sort through it all!
Ashmanra: yummmm, foot tea haha :P

Dylan Oxford

Hahaha, we have a big plastic jar that we put all of our foot tea in! We’ve gotten a little more sensible about our buying choices though, so it’s not growing as much lately :P


that’s a good idea. trick is to stay on top of it. I suppose it helps having two tea lovers in the house! :)


Ha! Good luck!


thx I need it!! LOL
Seriously contemplating a red leaf order now. I want more matcha!!


all you H-biskus haters should have a jar for throwing the bad boys in. Then later, when brewed and cooled they make a good hair rinse or skin spritzer because the H-biskus (you know what I mean) has loads of vitamin C. Add some White Tea and you have an anti-bacterial too.


what an interesting idea Bonnie. Thanks!!

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