So on my way back from downtown I decided to go to the mall and get DAVID’sTEA. Ok well let’s get off topic for a second… There’s this guy.. Haha cliche I know but stay with me.
~~Ok, so there’s this guy and he works at DAVID’sTEA Saturday, Sunday,and during the week sometimes late at night. I’m pretty sure he’s in University or in his late years of high school. I’m a bit younger than him I think. Ok anyway, so since I go to DAVID’sTEA so often he sees me quite regularly and he usually does talk to me a bit and serves me my teas/lattes.
~~So I walk in and stand kind of at the back of the store deciding what to get. We meet eyes and he says “Hi” with the most adorable smile ever! I obviously say “Hi” back and smile as well. He continues serving the customers he was serving and a lady comes and takes my order of a Coco Chai Rooibos latte with soyamilk and agave. I pay her $3.00 even though it’s supposed to be $4.50 and then she goes helps someone else while I wait for my tea to be done steeping. The guy comes to the cash register to ring someone up (the steeping place is right beside the cash register) and he smiles again at me and says “hi” again. \
~~Of course I say “hi” back and smile. So slowly the customers start to settle down and the guy has no customers to serve. The lady who was helping me was helping someone else and asked the guy if he could finish up my latte. He said yes and on the inside I jumped for joy. I literally love when he makes my lattes haha.
~~Moving on, this other lady who works there tells the guy something about re-stocking on something and the guy says “ok” he holds out his fist for his co-worker to fist bump but he did that too late because she didn’t see and was already going to go help someone. He then turns to me with his fist still out and he smiles and says “fist bump?” and on the inside I’m just melting of happiness and joy. But on the outside I smile and say “sure” and fist bump him. We then both laugh and he starts pouring the milk in my latte as I watch.
~~He put too much frothed milk on top because when he put the lid on my drink a whole bunch of frothed milk came shooting out. Now whenever he serves me this always happens because he always puts too much frothed milk on top but oh well haha. He then says “Oh my gosh I’m sorry! I d o this every time don’t I?” I freely laugh and say “No, no it’s ok and ya it’s ok haha.” We then say “bye” and I leave smiling like a child on Christmas morning.
~~My point of this story was, that I really like him yet I don’t know his name or age… He is super polite though, very sweet, quirky, cute, and adorable all at once… He is one of my reasons why I sometimes rather go buy DAVID’sTEA than make it at home aha.
OK! So Coco Chai Rooibos as a latte tastes delicious and it just wamrs up the soul with it’s comfort tasting goodness. Not much of a review I know but I just really needed to share that event that happened this afternoon with you guys :)