Following 69 Tea Drinkers

OMGsrsly 236 followers

I mostly drink black tea. Also: A map of tea places in Vancouver. I’ve been t...

greenteafairy 122 followers

Likes: greens, dark oolongs, genmaicha, fruity greens and oolongs, chai, matc...

yyz 312 followers

Dischord 12 followers

How the story goes is that one day, a feeble, weakened graduate student decid...

Lilysmom 74 followers

Vancouver born, and love the city. Fairly new to tea, I found Davids Tea in ...

looseTman 199 followers

My wife and I enjoy shou that: - is Full-bodied, thick, rich, creamy smooth -...

Lala 245 followers

I am a lifetime tea lover. I did foray into the world of coffee for a period ...

Tealizzy 247 followers

Another profile facelift! My tastes have changed a lot from when I first disc...






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