4th tea from “Another Traveling Tea Box?!?!” and my second Adagio tea ever.
So far Adagio is not impressing me. The base is actually ok, it comes across as just below the quality of the Teavivre dragonwell I had yesterday, except a little more grassy. Surprisingly, the chocolate is not milk chocolate and is actually pretty good. Unfortunately, the mint really misses the mark and brings the whole blend down. It’s so artificial! I keep getting the image of cheap neon green bubble gum passing through my head as I drink it. It leaves a bitter aftertaste that is not pleasant at all. I may need to dump this one out and I don’t say that a lot.
Too bad you’re not having luck with them. Many years ago I bought a bunch of Adagio teas and I didn’t really like them, although I tried. I’m sure there are some good ones though.
I’m sure there are some- just not these! :-)
:-) Maybe you’ll find one!