1120 Tasting Notes

drank Peachberry Jasmine Sutra by Teavana
1120 tasting notes

The lukewarm reviews on this one surprised me — this is one of my favorites! It’s about half dried fruit, and thus the flavor is more peach and strawberry than jasmine, but they mix together well. I’ve tried mixing other jasmine teas with fruit and it hasn’t worked out very well, so I’m glad Teavana can do it for me.

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drank Chestnut by Adagio Teas
1120 tasting notes

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drank Blueberry by Adagio Teas
1120 tasting notes

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5 min, 0 sec

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Threw a bag of this in with the second steeping of Adagio’s Chestnut tea… tea heaven right there.

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drank Chestnut by Adagio Teas
1120 tasting notes

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4 min, 0 sec

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…I might have to raid Target and stock up on this for the rest of the year.

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Oh, I can definitely see what all of the fuss is about with this one. The taste is distinct yet subtle; it seems so much more real that a lot of other jasmine teas. I wish I had more than a sample, I can see myself reaching for this often!

This was steeped according to the time on the package. For whatever reason, the description on Steepster recommends a much longer time, so I’ll definitely try that next.

4 min, 0 sec

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• green teas
• floral notes of all kinds
• dessert teas

• licorice
• heavy spice

Quick summary of ratings:

90s: Outstanding, definite rebuy
80s: Very good, doesn’t blow me away
70s: Good, but some type of flaw
60s: All right, worth a taste
50s: Not so great, but drinkable
40s and below: Various levels of dislike to hate. It just depends on how gross I think it is.



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