I’ve enjoyed the Guava Pineapple white tea from Republic of Tea, so I decided to to pick some of this up and give it a try. I bought it a few months ago and I remember not being impressed when I tried it. So, I decided to pick it back up and see if there are any changes.
Unfortunately, no there weren’t any changes from tea or my palate. At first sniff the tea has a honey scent and a slight floral scent with hay underneath. But there is a very odd sour scent that is very off-putting. My best guess is that it’s the additional flavoring that was added to the tea.
Upon steeping it still has that odd sour scent, but there is still the other notes of hay, honey, and floral. Tasting reveals the same. There is a nice honey mouthfeel to this tea, hay notes underlying with some hint of a floral note. I could taste the paper of the teabag too. But there is still that sourness that seems to overlay everything no matter what.
It’s still a drinkable tea, but not one I’d get again. I passed it off to my sister who loves flavored white teas and doesn’t mind teabags as much as I do. She thought it smelled delicious when I opened it for her, so she’s already off to a better start than I am.