1403 Tasting Notes
Yes! Bright pineapple flavour comes through. Very faint green tea flavour. Vague echoes of the roasted rice which adds a bit of groundedness of flavour in each sip. I steeped very briefly, perhaps 3 or 4 minutes and managed about three steepings.
Flavors: Pineapple, Red Wine, Roasted Barley
Currently, my favourite black tea which I drink black. Buttery, rich, fragrant goodness. I start my day with this filling up my morning mug and timolino. Each teabag or strainer gets three steepings, four if I am desperate. I bought 25 grams initially, ran out, and was traumatized until I managed to get to the store to pick up another 100 grams.
Edit. One thing I really like about this tea, Salted Caramel, and David’s Buttered Rum is that the black tea base is relatively mild. Any idea of what tea they are using here as the base? Anyway, it is just the thing when you want a gentle flavoured black tea, as opposed to a slap you upside the head on both sides black tea, which has its moments too, of course.
Flavors: Butterscotch, Caramel
The appearance and the scent of the dry blend is lovely: true to full ripe peach in summer. The tea brews pale yellow. I drink my tea usually in a glass, so the colour is part of it for me. The first hot sip is true to the scent with peach at the very front of the taste, followed by a bit of tartness, but then, it is followed up by a wee bit of artificialness. The scent is still peach, even a bit honeyed.
I only bought about 10 to 15 grams of this tea and this is my first cup. I think I’d like to have a cup from time to time now that the weather has begun to warm up. Light, scented, and flavourful. I will see how I feel about it after a few more cups.
Flavors: Peach