70 Tasting Notes


This tea is the bomb.

That said, I am currently visiting friends in Ottawa —hence internet—and the water is just plain weird here. so the water is strange and the steeped tea does nottaste like itself. My friends who live here tell me that the water is hyper chlorinated.

My friends here have an N espresso machine, so we start the day with coffee and continue it with soda stream carbonated water (which somehow doesn’t retain the weird flavour).

I’ve been locked down for the better part of the year. Here, restrictions are a bit lighter. I got a haircut!!!!! (And look a bit less than a swamp thing.)

I’ll be doing more drinking of this tea when I get home to , what for me, is normal water..

Btw, this is evol ving ness..

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Shae 4 years ago

It’s so good to see you!!

evol-ving 4 years ago

Good to see you too! Still no wifi at home. Hope to get that figured out soon.

Daylon R Thomas 4 years ago

Hey there!

ashmanra 4 years ago

Wow! Good to see you on here! Hope you get some better tea water soon!

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drank S’mores Chai by DAVIDsTEA
70 tasting notes

Stopped into DTs after I remembered that I forgot to pick up my birthday free cup of tea. Well, my Bday was a month and two or three days ago so I missed the one month cutoff. My server was kind enough to offer me the tea of the day which was this one. Could be worse, right? Well, this tea had clearly been sitting around and boo in general in flavour: over steeped, stale, with none of the good stuff and way too much of the spice bad stuff.. Too bad, DTs. Yet another fail at winning me back; birthday treat becomes a birthday boo followed by a yuck.

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The last bit in the bag was a spoon and a half and a winning measurement. Quite a delightful way to say goodbye: malty, frisky, and just the right amount of fruity.

Sipdown 57

Cameron B. 6 years ago

Ha ha, frisky! Love it.

evol-ving 6 years ago


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drank Cinnamon Marzipan by 52teas
70 tasting notes

I had really been looking forward to this one. So much so that I had conjured up exactly what it should taste like. And this is not that. Totally unfair of me to impose my expectations on the flavours of teas.

The verdict is still out. To be continued.

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drank Butterbeer by 52teas
70 tasting notes

Still making up my mind about this one.

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I tend to focus on one or two teas these days to see some sipdown progress: a balm for the outrageous amount of teas on hand. I like this one with its gentle flavouring and frisky base.

Today is yet another holiday potluck. Lawd have mercy.

evol-ving 6 years ago

Fortunately, I managed to finish the potluck experience without my belly feeling like it was going to explode. Mind you, I packed up some sweets to enjoy later instead of overdoing it beyond the beyond.

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Dying here with the aftereffects of overeating at a holiday buffet. It was delicious, but ugh! I am hoping this will help, but it feels like all the foods are still expanding. Will I ever learn?

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drank Southern Belle by Tealish
70 tasting notes

Peachy with a hibiscusy red fruit aftertaste. More of a summer drink out of a frosted glass.

Thanks, VariaTea.

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Not bad. I had hoped that the almonds would have been more of a presence, but alas.

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