Tea type
Black Tea
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Caramel, Honey, Malt, Chocolate, Smooth, Sweet Potatoes
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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From Capital Tea Ltd.

Famous world class tea from Wuyi Fujian consisting of incredibly gorgeous fine wiry golden tips and possessing a prominently malty-sweet aroma. These leaves produce a strong, smooth, rich tasting and full bodied tea liquor with notably complex flavour notes of chocolate, biscuit, caramel and malt. – 100g Package

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20 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (264)

J is for…Jin Jun Mei

I woke up with motivation to do work today. Too bad my nephew woke up with the motivation to refuse his milk and scream the whole day while his Dad is at the firehall. So while I have been aspiring to blast through a paper so I can submit and move on, I have now spent hours helping my sister calm him down.

This tea and time to do a tea note is my reward so I can calm down. Thank you Sil for sending it my way!

This cup is slightly astringent but also a lot of malt. Some cocoa notes as well – specifically cocoa powder, rather than chocolate. No creaminess and not sweet. It also smelled awesome so it could have been my steeping that messed it up because I smell/taste a lot of potential here.

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70 tasting notes

This tea is the bomb.

That said, I am currently visiting friends in Ottawa —hence internet—and the water is just plain weird here. so the water is strange and the steeped tea does nottaste like itself. My friends who live here tell me that the water is hyper chlorinated.

My friends here have an N espresso machine, so we start the day with coffee and continue it with soda stream carbonated water (which somehow doesn’t retain the weird flavour).

I’ve been locked down for the better part of the year. Here, restrictions are a bit lighter. I got a haircut!!!!! (And look a bit less than a swamp thing.)

I’ll be doing more drinking of this tea when I get home to , what for me, is normal water..

Btw, this is evol ving ness..


It’s so good to see you!!


Good to see you too! Still no wifi at home. Hope to get that figured out soon.


Wow! Good to see you on here! Hope you get some better tea water soon!

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4 tasting notes

Malty and honey-sweet accents, not really a full-fledged full-bodied tea, but its smooth and creamy toffee-like flavour coats the inside of the mouth in a wonderful way.There is a faint hay/straw note lurking somewhere in the aftertaste.I’ve tried with different quantities,brewing and temperature ratio, but 100 g later,it’s still there.
Nevertheless ,this should not deter anyone from enjoying this tea.

Flavors: Caramel, Honey, Malt

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1403 tasting notes

Serious business. This tea is serious business.

Both Sil and I adored this tea and immediately ran out and bought some.

And I’d like to add that other tea tasters must have rated it equally highly because it won first place in our recent tea festival. Here are the ratings.


This tea absolutely deserved to win.

That said, I think some work could be done in how the tasters’ boxes are organized. Currently, it is really apples and oranges. That is to say that the teas I was given to rate

were not a fair assembly of things that could reasonably be compared or rated against one another.

Terri HarpLady

I love Jin jun mei…sigh…

Evol Ving Ness

I hope that Sil included some in her box to you. This is a really good one.

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15618 tasting notes

nom nom nom nom nom. it’s back in my cupbard and i’m so happy haha

Martin Bednář

I guess this tasting note is saying everything about that tea :D


haha i’ve had it so many times before. It’s a really nice jin jun mei especially since it’s cad$ pricing for me

Martin Bednář

Haha, I understand. It’s great when you find great tea for little money.

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