17 Tasting Notes


So I had free thing of tea from Adiago and i decided that I always want to try one of these blends. SO i pick the Tardis. It starts off as a choice on a whim and it is the nerd in me. SO anyways…

The tea is simply great. It has such a robust flavor that I had to sit the cup down. Pause. Think about all the things that I have had in my life. Then resip. The cup of tea has not only a beautiful taste but it also has wonderful smell to it.

To say that I enjoyed this tea is an understatement. To say that I loved this tea.. would be the correct words for this statement. I have never been more upset that I am running low on a tea till now. Anyways back to the taste.

So the tea is a bold tea. Which if you aren’t sipping carefully you will miss some of the subtle flavors. It has some berry flavor in there, but mostly a nice Earl Grey. However, the berry gives that Earl a different flavor mix it with a little bit of vanilla. You are in heaven plus some. The only problem becomes when either A. the teapot runs out or even worse when you run out of this lovely blend. :| anyways Enjoy.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Cocomint Cream by DAVIDsTEA
17 tasting notes

So Maybe. Just maybe. I do like Coconut. Because every tea with coconut in it I enjoy.


I just got this with my tea that I ordered from Davids. I think that I have had it before but I never wrote about it. This tea is wonderful. Just straight off the back. It has a very strong minty taste. If that is what you enjoy. Personally there is nothing better then having a strong mint tea. But this one just takes the cake. The mint in this tea is hardy and it is bold. It will demand your attention and make you pay attention to it, but that isn’t the cherry of the tea.

The best part is the subtle hint of the coconut. When I say subtle I mean subtle like a marching band. WHile the mint might be strong the true flavor comes out with the taste of the coconut. IT alters the taste the tea to make you literally look at your cup and say wow. You will want to sip slower and fully embrace the rich flavor of the tea and stick your nose in your cup to smell the flavor.

I have said that I don’t like coconut. But I think these teas are slowly changing my mind to this fruit. Anyways Happy Drinking!

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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So first let me say yum.

Now let’s actually get to the tasting. While browsing around the tea shop I found this deal. 4 oz for 9 bucks and it came in a tin. So naturally I pick it up and decide this little beautiful item shall be mine, and even if I don’t like it I will throw it away.

Now I open the tin and I am immediately turned off. The floral Jasmine type smell. Ugh. How I hate Jasmine. However I continue to be drawn in closer and closer thanks to the strong mint smell of the tea and the green tea appearance. I pull out my pot and measure out my serving size and I drank.. slowly. The first sip. I was confused. I was expecting more of a jasmine overtone. The second sip. I was still confused waiting for the strong overtones of jasmine to hit me. But by the third sip… I knew I was in heaven.

The mint thank god balanced the jasmine. It didn’t taste like I was chewng on a flower, but it tasted like the jasmine complimented the mint. Just like the name of the tea. The Mint was cooled by the jasmine and wow oh wow it is amazing.

The color of the tea is beautiful it is a nice green. The taste is a bit savory that will leave your mouth begging for more. Even before the tea is infused it is beautiful to look upon. The tea leaves are multiple colors and the smell coming from the tea is great.

Even if you don’t like jasmine.. try this if you love mint. It will fit well within your tea cupboard and your taste buds will scream in rejoice.

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This is a really good complex black tea. Not only does the smell draws one in. The taste is simply amazing. The golden black liquid is like pouring gold int o your cup and taste is powerful. It is almost hypnotic and once you start drinking you will feel bad once it is gone. Because you will know that after your first sip of this tea you will never have one that is better.

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first and foremost.. I don’t even like Chai tea. BUT.. Just but its amazing. So there should be nothing about this tea that I like. I hate chai and I hate coconut. Honestly. However I smelt the tea and decided to take it home with me and wow.. Just Wow am I happy that I took it home with me. This has honestly has been my favorite tea that I have got from this shop. It is great. the flavor is pungent and powerful. It sticks with you through out the drinking. The smell is amazing. It is a great wake up tea for the morning and a good tea to have after a meal. This tea is like drinking a cup of greatness with a side of amazing. The second infusion the tea loses no flavor. It keeps going. With small hints of vegetation flavor but a lot of earthy tones. This tea will have you surprised with every sip.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I have had this tea in my cabinet for a while now. However lets get to the review. Now the first few times I had this tea I was naughty and let it over steep and boy did I pay. letting this wonderful black tea over steep should be illegal or even be a cardinal sin. However getting it right… Oh god getting it right is wonderful. The tea blossoms to this wonderful mahogany color. It has a full rich flavor that creates an savory after taste. The tea leaves don’t leave a strong after smell but the flavor will linger with you for part of your day. Enjoy :-)
195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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Teavivre bailin gongfu. First off.shout out to the good people of teavivre for sending out a wonderful box of samples. That have not only made my day but also gotten me a date. Anyways have you ever just been wowed. Wwell this tea will do it. Its something about this tea that just transport you to another world. It has such a smooth flavor that it almost brought a tear to my eye. The tea has a refreshing flavor that doesn’t leave the mouth dry but refreshing. It almost has a buttery or creamy flavor and a strong aroma that you can enjoy while drinking. Once again thanks for the sample

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 15 sec

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drank Swampwater by DAVIDsTEA
17 tasting notes

Woah. Have you ever seen something that makes you just go woah.
I don’t know why I even bought this.. but I am happy I did. Its like everytime I get on Steepster I go to buy the things that are on my shopping list.. but I never get around to it. Anyways..back to Swampwater.

So I get this tea.. and I wait.. and I wait and I wait. My First cup is this lovely green color. Still kind of see through and it has some basic fruity flavor. It is pretty good. Nothing to write home to Mom about right? NO. The second cup is what made me realize how amazing this cup is.. I poured the second cup of tea into my cup..and it is this amazing dark green. It is so dark that light cannot pass or neter.. it is almost like a black hole.. or I guess a green hole..ha ha..drum roll. Anyways.. So I take the sip of this longer steeped cup..and I fall in love. This Tea is amazing.. Now I have a Glass Tea Pot.. I get to watch the color change and it is marvelous. If you are a fan of a.. nonchaulent fruity kind of tea. I do say that this is the way to go..
Don’t let the green scare you.. and realize that there is some good in the swamp. :D~

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 15 sec

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SO have you ever had A strawberry shortcake? In your glass? Oh you havn’t? that’s because you havn’t had the Strawberry Shortcake by David’s Tea. NOw I got this as a sample with my Swamp Water and Kiwi..and trust me.. Its Good. It is really really good BUT I just can’t see myself drinking this as a part of my everyday regiment. It is savory.. and creamy. While It Is Great.. it just isn’t for me.

195 °F / 90 °C

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drank Exotica by DAVIDsTEA
17 tasting notes

So this came in with the teas I ordered. It was a small sample but my oh my was it impressive. When I looked at the just the tea leaves I was impressed by the color and vibrance that it had.. and then when i finally made it.. I was taken in by surprised.
The fragrant almost silky taste took me by surprise. I feel in love with this Tea almost instantly and wished that i would have bought this sample instead of the tea that I have now. Not saying that the tea I own is bad.. but this one is by far better. The smell the taste. the flavor.. It is beautiful. I do recommend trying this one.. if you want something fruity and kinda earth at the same time..

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 45 sec

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…my name is Ed..and I like tea.



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