Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Not available
Lychee, Strawberry, Sweet
Sold in
Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 15 sec 1 g 4 oz / 118 ml

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26 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’ve wanted to try this one for a while, so when I ordered my filter bags this time around, I snagged a sample. This is different, but decent. I thought with the name there would be a blend of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Guanabana! ♥ Again, I haven’t ordered this tea in 2 years, and it looks like another blend Adagio has stepped up a bit. Last I saw it, the Ceylon leaf was lower quality, and there were much fewer...” Read full tasting note
  • “First, thanks to MadelineAlyce for this swap! Second, thanks to Guanabana tea for reviving my faith in Adagio. Adagio was the instigator of my tea love/obsession. Somehow this of love affair has...” Read full tasting note
  • “Suzi logged this yesterday and reminded me that I still had some left in my sample tin. I bought it primarily because of the odd name. Never heard of this fruit before, but if I ever get to South...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Teas - Discontinued

Looking for something truly unexpected and exotic? Guanabana may be flavor you’re looking for. Not familiar with the flavor? Think of the candied flavor of strawberries and pineapple with a citrusy-tartness, mixed with bright Ceylon black tea. Quite a discovery!

This tea is discontinued.

About Adagio Teas - Discontinued View company

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26 Tasting Notes

576 tasting notes

I’ve wanted to try this one for a while, so when I ordered my filter bags this time around, I snagged a sample.

This is different, but decent. I thought with the name there would be a blend of banana and guava, but I don’t see either listed on the ingredients. What gives? I do taste strawberry and a tropical punch flavor (I wouldn’t call it pineapple, although that is listed as an ingredient). There’s a little bit of banana flavor, but it tastes more artificial than legit. Since I’m not a big fan of “real” banana, but love the artificial flavor, this isn’t a big deal for me. However it could be a deal-breaker for others.

I’m not sure if I would make a special “trip” to Adagio to buy this, but I would purchase it if ordering other things.

P.S. The name cracks me up. It reminds me of the “I’m a Banana” internet video that Daniel Tosh helped make famous on Tosh.0. He did a sketch called “Knife or Banana: Which would you choose?”

The original (random) video is here:

(“I’m a banana, I’m a banana, I’m a banana, LOOK AT ME MOVE!”)

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
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Dinosara 12 years ago

Guanabana is actually a real fruit, not a mix of guava and banana. :) It’s also sometimes called a custard apple or soursop.

JC 12 years ago

Dinosara is right. This is a very sweet and tangy fruit that can be your favorite or the one you’ll hate the most. It’s about the size of a medium sized honeydew melon, its green uneven shaped and it has a spiky husk/skin. I like Guanabana, I don’t think is translatable to tea.

This is how I feel about most ‘Tropical/Caribbean’ tea mixes.

Nik 12 years ago

You were taken in by the name, which is not a blend of fruits, but something all by itself. =) It’s guanábana in Spanish.

Nik 12 years ago

Oops, I didn’t refresh before replying and two people commented before me. Please ignore, sorry. =)

KeenTeaThyme 12 years ago

Thanks all – can you believe I actually took Spanish in high school and tested out of it in college? Yet I completely FAILed here. I now see the soursop on the ingredient list. Oh well, it will still make me think of Tosh and the “knife or banana” game show. :)

Bonnie 12 years ago

Fresh it’s really good and very creamy white with HUGE black seeds. The fruit does look ugly though all spiky green like an alien dinasour skin. (There was a big tree in the back yard in Puerto Rico) I agree you can’t make a tea flavor out of it. Same with starfruit and what about papaya, nope?!

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735 tasting notes

Guanabana! ♥ Again, I haven’t ordered this tea in 2 years, and it looks like another blend Adagio has stepped up a bit. Last I saw it, the Ceylon leaf was lower quality, and there were much fewer sunflower petals. Plus, I don’t remember there being actual chunks of dried guanabana in it at all. But I could be remembering that wrong.

This was one of my absolute favorite teas for a long time. I used to make it for friends all the time in the summer of 2009. Tasting it again now, I still feel very strongly about it. It’s fruity in a serious way, but it also has a sort of toasted sugar taste and scent, like someone caramelizing it in a pan. But mostly, since I’ve still never tasted real guanabana, I compare it to starfruit. It has that sort of tart floral/citrusness that really appeals to me.

Happy to have this in the cupboard again. Might go for a 4oz again once I get low.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec
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Dinosara 13 years ago

Wow, guanabana tea, I never would have expected to see that flavor! Awesome!

Ninavampi 13 years ago

Guanabana is an “everyday” fruit here in Ecuador. I am going to be ordering this in my next Adagio order for sure! I can’t wait to see how they pulled off Guanabana tea!

Tabby 13 years ago

I’ll be looking out for your review, Nina! I’m really curious about that. Also, did my tea make it to you?

Ninavampi 13 years ago

Not yet. But no worries, things take forever to get here! : ) Have you received mine?

Tabby 13 years ago

I haven’t, but I came home to a notice on the door saying that they tried to deliver a few days ago. Since, I haven’t heard anything, so it was probably delivered to my complex’s office. I’ll check in the morning.

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160 tasting notes

First, thanks to MadelineAlyce for this swap! Second, thanks to Guanabana tea for reviving my faith in Adagio. Adagio was the instigator of my tea love/obsession. Somehow this of love affair has been forgotten and replaced by a variety of tea companies, but I welcome Adagio back with open arms!!!

Guanabana is a very common flavor here in Ecuador. We have it daily in juice, ice cream, and even as plain fruit. The taste of the fruit is similar to leechy, which I also really enjoy. That being said, this tea had me really curios. It could be delicious or disaster, I had my fingers crossed for delicious.

The smell of the tea was surprisingly delicate for a black tea. There was a light fruitiness to it accompanied by a timid black tea base, which is odd considering how harsh Adagio’s flavored blacks can be. The best part is that the smell actually did remind me of Guanabana!

I brewed the tea, and the brown liquor smelled joyously like Guanabana. It was exactly what I was hoping for. Wow… This tea is really accomplishing all of my expectations! Now for the final and most important challenge… taste!

First sip, unsweetened, and… Yum! Wait, this is a black fruity flavored tea from Adagio… and I like it unsweetened!?!? The second sip proved it. This tea is, so far, as perfect as a fruity flavored black tea has been for me. Delicious, smooth with a sweet aftertaste. The flavor stands out and doesn’t get in the way of the tea experience as a whole. It doesn’t need any sweetener to make itself be noticed or fully appreciated. I imagine it is just as tasty sweetened, perhaps even more. Either way, this was delicious. The aftertaste was so smooth and sweet that I could have easily compared it to an oolong. Which, mind you, are a favorite of mine.

I should have imagined this was a good idea, considering guanabana tastes so much like leechy, and leechy is a natural great flavor for tea. Way to go Guanabana! More people should consider mixing you with tea! Can’t wait until I am able to place an order from Adagio again! (Arg… living in Ecuador makes it REALLY hard to order stuff!)

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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Tamm 13 years ago

This sounds super tasty! I’ve only had guanabana flavored things along with other flavors so I’m not sure what it should taste like. I saw very small ones at the store the other day, but they were $6 a piece! :( I don’t have that kind of fruit budget! lolol

smartkitty 13 years ago

I haven’t had an honest-to-goodness guanabana in a long while. Closest I’ve come in the recent past was freshly-made guanabana ice cream last year, but it’s not quite the same as digging into the fruit. STILL, now I really want some of this tea!

Ninavampi 13 years ago

Thankfully fruit is suuuper cheap in Ecuador, and most fruits are in season all year long! : )

Tamm 13 years ago

Lucky lucky! LOL this makes me want to somehow smuggle fruit through the mail. :p I live in a pretty landlocked desert area so if there’s two things I wish were cheaper it’d be fruit like kiwis/mangoes and fish…

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1353 tasting notes

Suzi logged this yesterday and reminded me that I still had some left in my sample tin. I bought it primarily because of the odd name. Never heard of this fruit before, but if I ever get to South America (doubtful, considering my fear of travelling) I’ll have to make sure to try and taste it.

It’s sweet and fruity and tastes tropical. If I knew what the fruit really tastes like ‘au naturel’ my review of it might be difference, but as it is I’m thinking it’s a fruit I might like. So this is my morning cup on this grey and dismal looking thursday. I understand the majority of you lot have a holiday today, so I’m guessing a lot of people won’t be around. Wow… bad day for me to get addicted to the live stream, but there you are. My life in a nutshell.

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takgoti 15 years ago

Heh, being that Thanksgiving is traditionally a holiday centered around family, you might find quite a few people hiding out on Steepster regardless. I distinctly remember a Thanksgiving we spent with family out in Ohio, where I told them I was doing schoolwork but I was actually playing mini-golf on candystand.com. My cousin found me and in exchange for not telling we played two-player for the rest of the afternoon.

Suzi 15 years ago

Ha ha, I’ll still be around. I had to skip out the festivities and work on a paper for school :-p

Angrboda 15 years ago

Don’t go playing minigolf instead. :D

Awww I hearts my Steepster Peeps today. :)

Suzi 15 years ago

Hey, congrats on the $2 shipping w/ 52teas :D You had me cracking up over in Steepster Select!

Angrboda 15 years ago

Hey, this place is AWESOME! Now I want to build a statue of 52Teas out of used leaves and worship at its feet.

Jillian 15 years ago

My Thanksgiving was back in mid-October so this is just another day for me. ;)

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123 tasting notes

So honestly? Guanabana tastes exactly like what it sounds like – the marriage of guava and banana. It’s a tropical, fruity black tea. It’s also rather sensitive. When I steeped the leaves for five minutes, the tea had a nice balance and pleasant flavor. When I steeped the leaves closer to ten minutes (webcomics can be so distracting) this cloying musky note that I associate with guavas overwhelmed the brew.

Trivia fact: “Guanabana” is also known by the name “soursop,” but there’s nothing sour in the flavor so I’m betting that’s why Adagio went the other route.

When steeped for the proper amount of time, I could taste the creamy banana-like notes blended with a bright pineapple – sweet and slightly tart – and a dab of that guava flavor. (Y’know what sucks? I’m trying to think of words to describe the flavor of guava but I’m coming up with nothing besides ‘sweet’ ‘tropical’ and ‘musky.’ Help?)

It’s quite lovely, but finicky, which is a problem for me. I am a very careless brewer.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec
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Angrboda 15 years ago

I have a sample of this one too. I found it really hard to review it because I haven’t got the faintest idea of what guanabana is supposed to taste like. I found a picture of the fruit, but apparently it gets overripe so quickly that transporting it all the way over here to be sold is impossible. I’d never even heard of this fruit before.

Tiegster 15 years ago

I grew up in the Philippines with soursop growing in my backyard. Very strange fruit with a very strange consistency. Guavas are one of my favorite fruit. Now I’m interested in sampling this tea. Thanks for the review.

takgoti 15 years ago

I know of soursop from something, but I can’t remember what and now it’s going to drive me nuts. Something from childhood. Sesame Street, maybe?

Anyhow, webcomics FTW. Which ones do you read?

Suzi 15 years ago

Angrboda – I’d never heard of it before, either! Reviewing it was awkward because of that, so I just tried to think of other fruits that were similar to what I tasted. But I wonder how much of my opinion was influenced by the fact that I thought guanabana sounded like guava-banana, so I expected to taste it because of that.

takgoti – I actually don’t have too many I’m reading at the moment, but I don’t read every day so I tend to do a week’s worth of story in one sitting.
So let’s see…Something Positive, Questionable Content, No Pink Ponies, xkdc…I think that may be it. A lot of the ones I used to read regularly have stopped updating, and I was too lazy to seek out new ones. What do you read? :D

teafiend 15 years ago

I also over steep everything, even with a timer.

teafiend 15 years ago

Also, Dr. McNinja is made win.

takgoti 15 years ago

I don’t check online comics too often either, but mainly whatever my friends link me to, Garfield-minus-Garfield [if that counts], and Penny Arcade. PA has always been a bit of a mainstay. Sometimes I’ll check CTRL-ALT-DEL, PvP Online, or VG Cats. [I’m very video-game-centric, if you can’t tell.]

@teafiend I have seen some VERY funny things come out of Dinosaur Comics! [That could be dirty.] Anyhow, I’m adding it to my comic bookmarks so I don’t forget. I’ll have to check out Dr. McNinja.

teaplz 15 years ago

Perry Bible Fellowship is hilarious, if not a bit un-PC. Actually, pretty un-PC. But really, really funny. Dinosaur Comics is awesomesauce to the MAX. Garfield Minus Garfield is really melancholic and sad. I read PA and VG Cats occasionally as well (I’m big on my video games too). xkcd is great.

teafiend 15 years ago

@teaplz ooo Perry Bible Fellowship! I haven’t looked at that one in forever.
Gah, I’m going to have to look over all my old webcomic bookmarks now

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358 tasting notes

Having a cup of this one this morning to mix it up a little. I’ve had a sample pack of this for awhile, but not much has been taken out so I don’t think I liked it very much. I think that with the name I was hoping for some type of banana flavor, but there’s none of that. (Should have read the ingredients, haha!) The flavor is pretty bland. I taste a little maltiness and a little fruit, but you can’t really pick out the individual strawberry or pineapple flavors. There is a light citrus finish that reminds me of the way a fresh orange tastes. This is just a very subdued tea. Adding sweetener helps to bring out more of a candy-like fruit flavor, but it’s still very light. I guess I don’t love this tea because nothing really stands out about the black tea base, and the sweetness/almost artificiality of the fruit flavor masks it. For me, this would be an ok afternoon tea; kind of a little sweet pick-me-up in the afternoon.

-Dry blend has medium black tea leaves with yellow petals.
-Dry leaves smell fruity. Tea liquor aroma is of sweet strawberries and pineapple.
-Tea liquor is a cloudy dark brown color.
-Candy fruit flavor with a light citrus finish.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Good tea. Lightly flavored. Sugary fruit taste.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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615 tasting notes

Tea #23 from Traveling Tea Box C

The dry leaf here smells really really funky. And not in a good way. Like a rotten fruit in the sun kind of way.

But surprisingly it actually makes a pretty awesome cold steep. I was worried when I cracked open the thermos I was steeping in and got a whiff of the wet leaf again, but the tea itself doesn’t really have that same pungent aroma. I definitely get strawberry off it. And some caramelized sugar type notes. It kind of reminds me of lychee with more citrus.

I don’t think I’d like this at all as a hot cup, but I’m actually really enjoying this iced.

Iced 8 min or more
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Fuzzy_Peachkin 12 years ago

I’m hearing the fruity adagio blends are much better cold-brewed. I thought the 3 I tried hot, all tasted like rotten fruit.

moraiwe 12 years ago

I think their Blueberry White is pretty good hot (but better iced) and enjoy the Raspberry Black well enough, but overall I’d say that is a pretty good (and true) rule. Especially the sweeter fruits (peach, apricot and the like).

Short Sorceress 12 years ago

I haven’t had very many good experiences with Adagio fruit teas while hot, but a few are ok cold-steeped. I almost passed up trying this one because of the funky smell. I tried it hot, didn’t like it, so iced it down, still didn’t like it and finally dumped it. I hate wasting tea.

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2145 tasting notes

Tea #17 from the traveling tea box.

I had no idea going into this what a guanabana was, so google to the rescue! It is a tropical fruit that isn’t imported to the US fresh because it can’t be picked green and doesn’t travel well when ripe. You learn something new every day.

Honestly, I almost skipped this one just based on the smell, I think it smells terrible. After drinking it I was left wishing I had skipped it, it tastes just like it smells. I’m not even sure how to describe the flavor, it reminds me of fruit that has gone bad. It’s very sweet tasting, but just doesn’t taste quite right to me.

I don’t normally dump my tea out, but this one just had to go. I wonder if I would feel differently about this tea if I knew what a guanabana was suppose to taste like?

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
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JustJames 12 years ago

oh dear! thank you for the heads up…. =0(

Dr Jim 12 years ago

I didn’t find it distasteful, just didn’t see anything special about it. I gave it 75 points, though I’m an easier grader than Short Sorceress. My rule was nothing below 70 went into the box.

Short Sorceress 12 years ago

I am a pretty hard grader sometimes and it seems like I’ve been pretty hard on some of the teas in the box. However, I tend to use my grading scale and reviews to keep track of what I will and won’t reorder. JustJames and I have pretty similar tastes, so I’m pretty sure this is going to be one he won’t particularly care for.

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1184 tasting notes

Thanks to KallieBoo for this tea in our mystery swap!
However, this tea is not for me, I found it very tasteless and just plain bland. Sorry tea

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541 tasting notes

I got this as a sample as part of my haul. Because of yesterday’s tea cup calamity I’m drinking this from my tumbler (which I still love!); it just doesn’t cool as quickly. I should be working on my English paper! Maybe after this….
This tea smells very sweet. It seems to be the basic base of the lemon soliel blend as well. I still haven’t had one of these fruit so I’m just going off of taste alone instead of a comparison.
This is actually quite good! I was expecting something different from the smell, but this is very sweet. It has a kind of over-ripe banana undertone, but it would probably be less pronounced if served cold. Pretty surprising and nice!

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